Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] the [adj] months [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Besides the meetings at Mercereau 's and the Closerie , the painters began meeting regularly at Le Fauconnier 's studio in the rue Visconti as well , where during the closing months of the year they watched with interest the development through successive stages of his Abondance , a painting that all appear to have regarded as an important , revolutionary work .
2 ‘ For me , being single-minded meant that for the eight months of the racing season every other aspect of my life was put on hold , ’ Vitor began , ‘ apart from the construction company .
3 It is very evident that in the early months of the Truman administration the new US president was far from settled in his views on foreign policy , not least because of the divided counsels of those around him .
4 He said that in the five months to the end of January , the group had sold 223 houses — only two more than at that stage in the previous 12 months .
5 Why is it that in the 12 months to September this year unemployment in Europe rose by 7 per cent. , but in the United Kingdom it rose by 40 per cent ?
6 Earnings per share in the third quarter rose from 17.4p to 18.77p and for the nine months from 45.82p to 48.84p .
7 Earnings per share in the third quarter rose from 17.4p to 18.77p and for the nine months from 45.82p to 48.84p .
8 Forty Minutes is following six patients during their two-day crash course in self-healing at the centre and during the nine months after ward .
9 It saw a slight recovery of demand for its products by the end of 1992 and during the first months of 1993 .
10 The Cabinet , however , even though shorn of Crosland , and also of Roy Jenkins on the right and Barbara Castle on the left for different reasons , still remained credible as an agent of authority , and in the early months of 1977 Britain slowly emerged towards a plateau of greater tranquillity and modest economic recovery .
11 He had become the representative voice of the nation under threat , and in the early months of 1940 he wrote a patriotic poem , " Defence of the Islands " , to accompany an exhibition of British war photographs at the New York World 's Fair .
12 He was a relatively wealthy man ; his annual income , from both his publishing salary and his royalties , was approximately £4,000 , and in the early months of this year his income from the New York production of The Cocktail Party was estimated at about £570 per week : this was no doubt why , in June , he was looking for an accountant .
13 Damory and Audley , the husbands of the other two co-heiresses , were vulnerable to Despenser 's expansionism and in the early months of 1321 they and the other marchers turned to Lancaster for help .
14 Dealers appeared to shrug off reports of falling industrial productivity , declining orders at both wholesale and retail level , and rising inflation and unemployment ; they were , however , troubled by the US administration 's failure to secure an early resolution of the banking crisis [ see p. 37953 ] , and in the early months of 1991 their confidence was to sink still further , as the dollar declined to levels of around $1.00=£0.50 .
15 Machinery , electronic equipment , loose gear and navigational aids were all each tested separately and together and in the two months after launch FAB 3 was put through some 60 hours of intense examination .
16 For 133 days in 1988 Lyle had led the US Money List , he had won the Phoenix , Greensboro and Masters titles and in the first months of 1989 he twice came second .
17 Even in the prenatal period the fetus is communicating that it is growing in size ; and in the later months of pregnancy that it is capable of movement .
18 Regional Sector has no locomotives of its own and in the last months of the loco-hauled Cambrian Coast Express various locos have appeared .
19 The authorizing of a new ordination service for the clergy in 1550 was followed two years later by the appearance of a second Edwardian Prayer Book , and by the last months of Edward 's reign the country was officially Protestant .
20 Frequently they are relevant and will be followed on appeal — but during the six months to a year it takes for an appeal to come to a hearing the minister could have changed , while the current appeals will have been lodged long before the words have been spoken .
21 But in the nine months of carrying my child , the feelings and reactions of Michelle 's were very much the same as my own .
22 This left open the possibility of further Kindertransporte from countries threatened by Germany , but in the first months of the war no one was willing to engage in such defeatist speculation .
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