Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] through [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since kitchens tend to be positioned at the back of the house , they are often in an ideal situation for extending into the back garden , or knocking through into a corridor or back room to create a more useful space .
2 I can not imagine a more uplifting experience than listening through to a sequence of Brahms 's chamber compositions such as if offered here .
3 The strong ‘ New York Mix ’ , with its vocals that shimmer through in a Robert Owens-style haze , is a step up for dub house garage and is matched by a gently acidic , dubbier epic and a ‘ Detroit Mix ’ with an intro and a forest of familiar sounds from someone heavily influenced by the dextrous inventions of Derrick May .
4 The current is you can think of it as the amount of water goes through , it 's actually the the current is the amount of electrons that get through in a second .
5 The curds are lifted onto muslin-covered racks and cut through with a knife before they are left to drain .
6 He felt it connect and followed through with a kick to the stomach .
7 In practice , moreover , treatments for such patients tend to be chosen empirically and worked through on a trial and error basis , whatever might be thought to be the underlying pathophysiology .
8 Lissouba headed the poll and went through to a second round run-off on Aug. 16 against the second-placed Bernard Kolelas of the Congolese Movement for Democracy and Integral Development ( MCDDI ) .
9 As usual we take the immediate point — Frodo and the others want to get out of the forest — while reading through to a kind of universality : the ‘ shadowed land ’ is life , life 's delusions of despair are the ‘ woods ’ , despair will end in some vision of cosmic order which can only be hinted at in stars or ‘ sun ’ .
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