Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] exactly the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It just gives me hope that there are huge groups of people that feel exactly the same thing .
2 But someone says oh this is a bit messy having these two pipes , could n't we just have one pipe that did exactly the same job .
3 It is unusual outside some strictly regulated professional courses to find two courses covering the same content ; it would be difficult to find two that have exactly the same pattern of assessment ; and impossible to find two that are taught in precisely the same way .
4 The method adopted by Ministers for discussing policy questions is however essentially a domestic matter ; and a decision by a Cabinet Committee , unless referred to the Cabinet , engages the collective responsibility of all Ministers and has exactly the same authority as a decision by the Cabinet itself .
5 Oh yes , erm I went to a comprehensive co-educational school and found exactly the same thing .
6 Evelyn took a deep breath and drew exactly the same H as before .
7 I telephoned Frank and adopted exactly the same technique .
8 Apart from that they could 've sat on a wall and done exactly the same thing , she was in the street .
9 I came into the G M B and heard exactly the same kind of derogatory comments about the Transport and General Workers ' Union .
10 They should be aware that Mr beat Mr Brown to the punch and did exactly the same thing a few months ago .
11 until she got onto that crossbar and then she just flew straight back and did exactly the same thing all over again and I just thought sod it !
12 I 'm in the same position as she is and share exactly the same sentiments .
13 From the same console , log in to the other two servers and follow exactly the same procedures , except that you type login rbg-2/supervisor and login rbg/supervisor , using the other passwords supplied .
14 He 's he 's shot himself in the foot in one sense , because he does n't know what we 've said already , so he may come and say exactly the same thing that we 've been saying , in which case we will cheer and you will boo .
15 The beneficiaries lost their interests in ( say ) £100,000 worth of land , but received exactly the same interests in £100,000 of money .
16 The use of a petrol block on a diesel engine is not a problem as the parts are exactly the same The problem is with the crankshaft The diesel unit is of forged steel and carries a ‘ D ’ stamped on the web of the crank The petrol version , whilst sharing exactly the same dimensions is marked P and it is made from cast iron and will not run for long in a diesel unit — as you have discovered Some military petrol engines however are fitted with the forged steel crank and these will fit and run in diesel units
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