Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] the [adj] room " in BNC.

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1 Her body absorbed the silence that swelled through the darkened room .
2 The howl of dissent that came from the entire room staggered me .
3 That may still be true of the set-piece studio interview — though even there the prior indication of ‘ lines of questioning ’ is by no means unknown ( and the viewer would probably be astonished at the general closeness of the atmosphere that prevails in the green room afterwards ) .
4 It was less crowded at the rear of the room and he thought of pausing there , where he could watch la Principessa and still draw a breath of air that was not perfumed half to death , but then he patted the slender cigar in the breast pocket of the dinner-jacket that had been hand-tailored to fit his sinew-hardened body and decided that only a whiff of tobacco would fully cleanse his nostrils of the mix of scents that hung in the over-heated room .
5 Come in , come and sit in the front room .
6 There is a slot for each room and the names of the occupants , dates of arrival and departure and terms are typed on a card or slip and placed in the appropriate room number slot .
7 He stood and made for the other room .
8 During the week I 'd get home late and sleep in the spare room — ‘ so as not to disturb her ’ .
9 Even if you live and sleep in the same room , try to stay active .
10 LIKE a child playing secret games , Sinead O'Connor crept up to the window and peered into the cosy room .
11 Impervious to the babble of conversation and the pop music blaring from the dancers ' dressing room , I stick the exaggerated lashes in place , put on my spectacular Medusa-like crown and walk through the Green Room to the coffee-making area .
12 He got up after a while and paced round the high-ceilinged room , looking at the layered posters and the soft toys , the two old wardrobes , the small ring-tree on the window ledge , hung with little cheap , colourful rings .
13 ‘ Why , Gloria , my dear ! ’ said one of the ladies , putting aside her soup-dish and hurrying across the wide room to welcome them almost , but not quite , as though she had been expecting them .
14 Jump the gap and make your way down the steps and platforms to another ladder , pick up another crate to your left and climb down the ladder , kill the workman and run right ( out of the building ) , get on the lift and jump into the little room ( this contains a couple of records ) , get the crate and climb up the ladder to kill the last workman , get on the lift to your left and go to the top , jump onto the platform , and the next , and the next , until you reach the furthest one where there 's an extra life .
15 A mock battle ensued — at least , she hoped it was mock — then the pair went racing soundlessly off to push the unlatched communicating door ajar and disappear into the next room .
16 try to arrange to live and sleep in the same room
17 In the evening there was music from a travelling band , and dancing in the main room .
18 I relaxed and looked around the dark room , at the end of which was a small stage with a drum-kit and mike-stand on it .
19 I knocked on the open door and strode into the front room trusting that Patterson was right behind me .
20 I 'm going to have to clear up and go in the other room .
21 Don Watson was all dressed in black and hiding in the dark room , I heard .
22 After a while , the bedroom door opened and they heard Mother and the visitor come down and go into the front room of the house .
23 During her researches she went to Lord 's to examine the immense collection which belongs to the MCC and went into the Long Room .
24 He got up , flung the strange , savage robe around his shoulders again and went into the other room where she heard him shouting through the door " Is that little matter sorted out yet , at the Dog and Gun ? "
25 ‘ Wait here , ’ said Mr Rochester , and went into the secret room where a shout of laughter greeted him .
26 ‘ We do n't stamp passports , ’ said the Immigration man huffily as he turned away from the desk and went into the little room behind that served as his office .
27 George had switched to drinking coffee laced with cognac — ; ‘ The complete cycle , the disease and the cure in one simple package , ’ and Agnes had muttered something about vitamin C and gone across the big room to play a Mozart piano concerto on the stereo .
28 Nonetheless , he agreed ; the apothecary rose and disappeared into the back room , emerging a few minutes later with a small leather bag .
29 Orcadai raced up the stairs , but when he was still some steps from the top he vaulted on to the hand rail and somersaulted into the upper room .
30 But I could n't yet leave the phone and dash into the other room and give it to Sally .
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