Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] himself [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Henry agreed to help in this way , and to go by himself to the Stapletons that evening .
2 Carrefour sat on a low wall that stretched out from the side of a building , leaning his back against the building 's wall and tootling to himself on a child 's flute .
3 The temple bells were clanging to their climax as Ramlal hurried past the door , clutching his precious document , and laughing to himself at the thought that the God had got nothing from him at all .
4 Piggy believed that he had overcome his disabilities and looked at himself in a very different way from the other boys .
5 He shook his head and clucked to himself like the White Rabbit in Alice .
6 He blinked , and came to himself with a start .
7 Henry himself never had anything interesting to do ) , he squeezed close to the wall and coughed to himself in an extra drab way .
8 There is nobody here who ca n't wake up in the morning and look at himself in the mirror . ’
9 That 's really the interpretation of extrovert and introvert and the fact that it can apply to you know being loud and gregarious as an extrovert or being quiet and keeps to himself as an introvert that 's more of a popular view which is n't the sort of thing we 're trying to put across .
10 I have seen him striding through Soho eating a sandwich and talking to himself at the same time , oblivious to the cars and traffic and noise around him , deep in thought .
11 So he swept the paths and repaired the fences and at lunchtime most days would go and sit by himself on the benches , watching the people watching the animals , and sometimes looking at his old friend the golden eagle , who was growing old with him .
12 Benedict laid his burden gently on the bed , and sat down himself on the edge of it .
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