Example sentences of "[adv] established [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Homogeneous ‘ simple labour ’ is not inexorably established as the norm for wage-labour in capitalist economies , and by the same token it is not inevitable that a uniform structure of division of labour within enterprises will progressively undermine any ties of social identification other than those of ‘ class ’ .
2 The espionage ring was apparently established on the orders of veteran North Korean agent Lee Son-shil .
3 It was probably with his authority already established over the Angles of the east and the midlands that Eadwine also aspired to subject to his rule the Saxons of the upper Thames valley .
4 If , moreover , at this early date , sizeable Nazarean enclaves existed as far distant as Syria , one can not ignore the possibility that they had come into being prior to Jesus 's death and were already established at the time of the Crucifixion .
5 One of the regions adjacent to Surrey which is referred to in Frithuwald 's charter is Sonning , the province of the Suningas in east Berkshire , and it is possible that one of the three sub-kings who witnessed with Frithuwald ruled here , in which case Wulfhere 's presence in Berkshire was already established at the time of Frithuwald 's grant .
6 the provision of electricity and water to the site , but within the original budget and with the estimates and quotations we 've had , there will be some money available for the erection of a small sign , so perhaps er I propose that we do that within the budget that we 've already established for the purchase of the ground , wh which is within budget at the moment , so if there 's any spare after the provision of electricity and water to the site , suggested .
7 Kin already established in the countries of immigration or in the city may provide all kinds of assistance to related newcomers , whether in terms of accommodation , short-term financial loans or in finding work .
8 Thirdly , Lyons points out that if one thinks of anaphora as reference to entities already established in the domain of discourse , then the ways in which they are referred to in anaphoric reference commonly make use of the order in which they were introduced by the discourse itself .
9 There they are already established in the region of the lower Rhine .
10 Embassies were rapidly established in the capitals of Europe and the Imperial title he accepted from the newly created Senate was gradually recognized by his fellow monarchs .
11 An Unrepresented Nations and Peoples ' Organization ( UNPO ) claiming to represent those ethnic and minority groups unrecognized by the UN , was formally established in The Hague on Feb. 11 .
12 The 1940 block grant also helped to support the organisation of the Essex Federation of WEA branches which was formally established in the summer of that year .
13 Once established as the party of government in 1951 , the Tories benefited greatly from the subsequent rapid development of capital accumulation and rise in living standards in Britain .
14 We notice this about the covenants of the Bible ; they are usually established with the signs of sacrifice and blood .
15 Rules , or canons , were also established for the recital of prayers at definite times of the day .
16 Furthermore , if crimes are clearly established as the outcome of mental disorder they are no longer ‘ crimes ’ .
17 The Centre ( originally established in the University of Aberdeen and transferred to the University of Edinburgh in 1986 ) is concerned with the study of the Christian faith in its full world context .
18 It is my pleasure and privilege to present to members of the Chartered Institute of Transport in the UK the first separate Chairman 's Report and Accounts since we in the UK became one of the nine National Councils now established by the Institute under the successful re-organisation approved by the Council .
19 It was the same story on the 30th and frustration mounted amongst the crews , by the end of June Ramsay had flown 18 operations and had become well established on the Squadron as one of the most accurate navigators .
20 By the time the Germans arrived , Swahili was well established as the language for all travellers , traders and intruders to use .
21 The actual time of the start is difficult to arrive at , and is not important , but whatever the historical facts may be , it can be taken as fairly certain that the misuse of religion had become well established at the time of the advent of Jesus Christ .
22 His family connection with Scotland 's wine and spirit industry was well established through the firm of Sherriff 's Jamaica Rum and ownership of Bowmore Distillery in Islay .
23 The principle of including words of a former age in a modern rite is well established through the use of anthems .
24 Anti-authoritarian leftism and the critique of bureaucratic socialism had of course been well established before the foundation of the SI in 1957 .
25 But GPT believes that demand will be so high that the services will be well established by the middle of the next decade .
26 In coastal geomorphology the process foundation was also well established by the achievements of engineers and of research institutes and incorporated theoretical and laboratory investigations as well as empirical ones .
27 The Scottish arrangements were well established by the end of the nineteenth century ; in Wales the pattern has evolved since the 1950s .
28 The West End/East End distinction in trades like shoe making and tailoring was well established by the end of the eighteenth century .
29 This is important since it has been shown that in inflammatory bowel disease , architectural disturbances in the mucosa , manifest especially in crypt distortion , are well established by the time of the first clinical episode .
30 However , it was well established in the field of goods vehicles operators licensing that if an operator relied upon an agent to perform functions for him , whether it be for the maintenance of vehicles , the checking of tachograph charts , or whatever , the operator must accept full responsibility for employing an efficient agent .
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