Example sentences of "[adv] waiting [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Every girl in New York who is not a singer is only waiting for the right break to come along so she can get to be one .
2 Twenty or thirty thousand people were kneeling down facing westwards , patiently waiting for the final prayers of Ramadan .
3 It was much more the sheer vitality and range of committed ability , lay and clerical , present in the Church at that time and just waiting for a new lead .
4 Christie 's have got it and they 're just waiting for the right sale .
5 Just waiting for the flash line to ring , not even knowing whether the kidnappers would have heard the radio show at all , or how they would react if they had , made Sam nauseous from stress .
6 Neither are the civic groupings planning to hang around much longer waiting for an inter-party meeting to establish common ground and communal tactics .
7 Not waiting for the official Alpha launch on November 10 , DEC had Jensen , its Alpha AXP personal computer prototype , out at Net World in Dallas last week .
8 He is also firmly committed to proactive management : ‘ This is n't the kind of business environment in which we can set targets and expect something to happen , and we 're not waiting for an economic turnaround to provide us with the kind of results we want to turn in .
9 ‘ I was desperately waiting for the magic word ‘ Cut ’ so I could attach myself to the wires before falling , ’ he says .
10 By the evening we were lined up with our small bundles , hopefully waiting for a returning plane , when we spotted some of our nice soldiers from Maymyo .
11 Further details will reach you just as soon as they reach us … we 're STILL waiting for a finished version of Hook , ‘ coz we refuse to write full reviews from pre-production , half-finished disks !
12 We 're still waiting for a green form extension to grant t t to be granted
13 Bryan Gould is as good as gold and Gerald Kaufman is a happy-go-lucky bachelor who 's still waiting for the right girl to come along .
14 She says she 's still waiting for the right man . ’
15 But , thank God , we now have the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation , and the World Health Organisation , but alas , are still waiting for the developed countries to engage in this world-wide task .
16 Carefully he tried again but Cameron took his arm and told him not to hurry unduly , the joists had only been pinned in place and they were still waiting for the long nails from Grandtully .
17 ‘ That 's a fair assumption , although we 're still waiting for the full results from the post-mortem . ’
18 This is because we are still waiting for the connecting bus from Wolverhampton … ‘ !
19 It so happened that the local station was still waiting on the True Brit for recognition of a tidbit passed on to that paper six months ago about a rural dean and a lady elephant-tamer .
20 Outside in the street , still waiting in the cold wind were the friends , neighbours and complete strangers who had come to show their support for the families .
21 As far as he 's concerned , Barney is his man and he 's simply waiting for the forensic reports to confirm it .
22 Look at the source : Of course , BP and the rest of the plastics industry have n't been sitting around waiting for the environmental debate on waste to start .
23 Any decent sized salmon would be bound to show itself as it moved around waiting for the next tide to free it .
24 ‘ There is nothing worse than players hanging around waiting for the next instruction .
25 The company is n't waiting for the 64-bit Sparc parts it originally intended to use but , like its ICL cousin , is expected to use existing superscalar Sparc CPUs from Texas Instruments Inc and the Ross Technology Inc unit that Fujitsu is acquiring from Cypress Semiconductor Corp ( UX No 436 ) .
26 Jack watched the guard dialling and then waiting for a nerve-stretching length of time .
27 It was n't hell working for Faye , and as she sat there waiting for the medical staff to leave the artist 's room , Belinda realised , I 've changed .
28 He saw me standing there waiting in the warm light from the cafe and hesitated a second , then walked on a few paces , then stopped and looked back .
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