Example sentences of "[adv] go [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You 've got , again , a much more stable population , there are n't nearly so many teachers , young women teachers who leave the system to get married and then perhaps do n't go back at all , or only go back on a part-time basis .
2 Their careers together go back to the 1960s with Alex Welsh with a later spell with with Humphrey Lyttelton and they obviously relished the chance to play together again .
3 Drawing once again on the detective genre , Pynchon complicates the linear hunt for information , partly by rendering every detail as ambiguous as possible and partly by having Oedipa literally go round in a huge circle when she is pursuing an ‘ underground ’ mail courier .
4 And whether it 's electronics or physics or maths or anything else , erm when you get to the point where you 're dividing by zero , you have to say well now we leave the , the mathematical model , and we just go back to the common sense model .
5 I say , like I say I just just red er paint summat like , these are white these and just go down on the red and just up there and just up here , just get your displays
6 but I said to him , I 'll go and buy vinyl and we can come back into the same position , and he ai n't no good at sticking vinyl up , I always go round with a bloody
7 It was as easy as anything , and for a long time I , I felt well at least I can get in that way and then I thought oh maybe I should , you know doing , doing anything about it , but now I always go out of the other door
8 They also go about with a galvanometer and a Geiger counter to measure ‘ sources of power ’ .
9 One possibility is to choose two or three at a time , as above , and then go on to a few others .
10 So on a , c just to summarize and , and then go on to the fourteen great achievements .
11 At the close of a moot the judge or judges declare which counsel or side performed best ; he , she or they then go on to the next round .
12 If there is no response to either Stage 1 or Stage 2 , then go on to the anti- Candida diet , described below .
13 The thumb da , da , yes , but , if you 're in it 's a cord of G , you 'll put a two on the B , final note , and then go up to a five on a G , not a one , it 's better to do that , see if you can try .
14 Wires from this tag strip then go down to the main p.c.b .
15 I sometimes go down to an 18 when maggot fishing or a single brandling or grain of sweetcorn on a 16 , but it is not very often such refinements are necessary .
16 Also , I learned to appreciate that as a critic you say what you have to say and go on to the next thing in LA you never go on to the next thing . ’
17 Even when the basic cause of a present-day problem comes to light early in the regression session , I never go on to the follow-up treatment during the same consultation .
18 Okay go on to the next one .
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