Example sentences of "[adv] far as [pron] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 Just in so far as we cause the Government to persecute those who believe in peace , so we may be doing the greatest service … to stimulate the national consciousness in [ the ] direction [ of peace ] . ’
2 The old unregenerate ‘ I ’ is nailed to the cross with Christ ( Gal. 2:20 ) : we ‘ live in the Spirit ’ or ‘ walk in the Spirit ’ precisely in so far as we allow the Spirit to ‘ crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts ’ ( Gal. 5:24 ) .
3 There seems to be a strong argument now that the provisions of Regulation 5 of the UK Transfer Regulations , in so far as they make the transfer of the contract of employment compulsory on the employee as well as the employer , are ultra vires and so susceptible to judicial review , in the sense that the government in making the Regulations exceeded the powers conferred on it by the European Communities Act 1972 to make law by delegated legislation .
4 worried about them being so far as they 've the only child , and talked them into come down and live with us , so then I applied and got a move to just after it was built , which was a four bedroom house .
5 None of the operations I ( i , j ) , I(k) , I(l) , in so far as they affect the minors , can make a minor of order r + 1 nonzero , nor make the minor of order r vanish , since they merely condense these minors .
6 But this was a drama , the story of the circumstances of Van Gogh 's life ; ‘ No attempt has been made , ’ wrote Meier-Graefe , ‘ to make a critical analysis of the pictures , which enter upon the scene only in so far as they concern the drama directly or indirectly . ’
7 The original people are ancestors of the Chewong in so far as they represent the mythical past , but not in the sense that they are transformed dead of today .
8 Without any application to the court , the mortgagee , if his mortgage is a conveyance of the legal estate or ownership , may take possession ; but this course is hazardous , since he may be called upon in a redemption action to account strictly not only for profits actually received by him , but also for those which he might but for his default have received , and all such profits , so far as they exceed the interest due for the time being , must be set off against the principal .
9 Promoters of public investment projects should take into account the external effects of their actions in so far as they alter the physical production possibilities of other producers or the satisfaction that consumers get from given resources .
10 In so far as I understand the logic here , heterosexual sodomy is surrogate homosexuality and homosexual sodomy is surrogate heterosexuality — or rather surrogate heterosexual incestuous genital intercourse .
11 But the ability to produce such phrases does not constitute communicative competence in so far as I understand the concept ( Widdowson 1978 , 1979 , 1983 , 1984a , 1989 ) , or as discussed in , for example , Canale and Swain 1980 , and Bachman 1990 .
12 As far as we know the microcomputer-based emergency response system devised by Belardo et al. ( 1983 ) , is the only GIS-like software to incorporate this algorithm .
13 Well the as far as we know the er certainly the trade union
14 I mean I 'm no historian , you 'd have to check up on this with my hubby , but as far as I know the Reformation started up North in Europe a guid lang mile away from Rome and the Pope and that , up in the Region of what we now know as Holland , and Germany and Alsace Lorraine .
15 As far as I know the book was displayed very well in the shops , it was n't under the counter or anything like that , and exactly nothing happened .
16 So how did the work out because as far as I know the the riveter got the cash and then he divvied up the money between
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