Example sentences of "[adv] far as she could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The others , in so far as she could recover her feelings of the time , seemed to have involved love — inflammation of the senses , certainly .
2 So far as she could make out , Ven Gajdusek was more interested in enjoying his walk than he was in answering any of her questions .
3 They had come , so far as she could tell , west and north , perhaps far enough north to turn west , that was all .
4 No one , so far as she could tell , hugged the doorways , folded into the shadows .
5 But only the occasional innocent — so far as she could tell — twang of the springs of the hideous black and red sofa punctuated the interview .
6 Well , he was certainly in a good mood , and no sign so far as she could see that he had been drinking what Matey called ‘ his nasty whisky ’ , so she prepared herself to play him .
7 So far as she could recall , she had seen no reviews but then , of course , she knew she could easily have missed them in the interstices of choosing wallpaper , driving down to Hillmarden , overseeing decorators , interviewing nannies , buying a layette and all the hundred and one other things with which she was continually being confronted .
8 Molly asked Louise when the men were talking , so far as she could hear , about the rat race .
9 She took a step backwards , which was about as far as she could go in that hallway .
10 The corridor remained empty , as far as she could tell .
11 It was the same thin , intelligent slightly wary face and as far as she could tell the same old Barbour jacket .
12 Meredith , trying to use her bump of direction thought they had gone in a circle and as far as she could tell through teeming rain and darkness , were in the middle of the open moor or common .
13 A large bird , a crow as far as she could tell , flapped up from picking at something on the ground and wheeled away high above her .
14 But it had n't flowered and as far as she could tell , had no intention of doing so .
15 As far as she could tell it had no relevance to her own predicament .
16 As far as she could tell , they were completely alone in the village .
17 She 'd told Mackenzie that one of the men had been injured , badly , as far as she could tell .
18 The house was immaculate and had been furnished , as far as she could tell , like something out of a design magazine .
19 Non-performers were supposed to stay out , but as far as she could tell nobody paid the rule much heed .
20 As far as she could tell , everything was there except his cap and gloves . ’
21 He looked calmly , almost — as far as she could tell in the light that poured from the house onto the terrace — amusedly at her .
22 As far as she could tell , he was n't looking suspicious .
23 He was all muscle and sinew , with no spare flesh as far as she could tell , the aura of strength very marked even in repose as he lay relaxed , his hands clasped behind his head , his face shuttered and dreaming as he listened to the music .
24 There were indeed lots of MacLeans — nearly the whole Clan MacLean , as far as she could judge .
25 As far as she could remember , she had never seen the man before , he was no friend of Faith 's .
26 There had been no intimacy between them , never as far as she could remember .
27 Her parents had been warm and affectionate people and , as far as she could remember , she had been quite happy as a child .
28 It was the first time as far as she could remember that any male person had done so since she left the convent school , where the visiting priest would call all the girls by their first names .
29 As far as she could remember , she had n't thought like this about anyone before .
30 As far as she could remember they 'd spent the time discussing potential ideas for his proposed advertising campaign .
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