Example sentences of "[adv] difficult [to-vb] [coord] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such a pond would be extremely difficult to filter and the reason why your fish did well in it was undoubtably down to low stocking levels and a balanced plant population .
2 Unfortunately , the subjects found these estimates extremely difficult to make and the differences between subjects ’ estimates was enormous .
3 This is notoriously difficult to do but the difficulty should be yours not the client 's .
4 Criminal fraud is notoriously difficult to establish and the evidence required to do so needs careful and skilled assessment .
5 Today , rambutans ( Nephelium lappaceum , Sapindaceae ) are distributed this way , growing up around deserted encampments of forest people in the Malay Peninsula , and several other fruits gathered there can only be swallowed as the flesh is either difficult to remove or the seeds are too fiddly to extract ( as in blackberries , blackcurrants and tomatoes in modern society sewage farms raise good tomato plants ) : for example the mata-kuching ( Dimocarpus longan ) and the rambai ( Baccaurea motleyana , Euphorbiaceae ) .
6 Such attitudes are often very difficult to shift and the therapist who forces an alternative view of management is doomed to failure .
7 In practice , these provisions will be very difficult to apply but the preamble to the EC Directive may give some assistance as it talks about the European Community being fully committed to the promotion of international standardization .
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