Example sentences of "[adv] likely [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , it is a recognized fact that a child who has been regularly beaten by one or both of his parents is extremely likely to inflict the same violence on his own children .
2 Pimelodus pictus will take smaller fish , such as Neons , but in a densely planted aquarium and if kept well fed , they are less likely to take the smaller inhabitants .
3 Because the drug is less likely to depress the respiratory system than other pain-killers , it has been marketed as particularly useful for young children and the aged .
4 Firms are less likely to make the right choice between alternative investment projects because inflation adds considerably to the uncertainty of expected future yields .
5 For the most part , however , the solution will lie more on the managers ' side than the shareholders ' : the managers need to be given incentives that make them less likely to make the colossal errors of the 1960s .
6 Unfortunately , ex-care women were much less likely to experience the protective effect of a non-deviant supportive spouse , firstly because they were more likely than comparison women to marry men with problems , and secondly because they were much more likely to be without any kind of spouse .
7 The DAF workers are less likely to attract the same sort of gritty sympathy that the miners have done .
8 I think there 's a lot of the co , er , the smaller companies feel that way , but the bigger companies have tried the smaller ones , and I think we , we 're not likely to lose the bigger ones as easy as lose the small ones .
9 Thus the statement " The concept lion is not empty " obviously is not likely to convey the desired information unless it is already clear from the context , or is otherwise indicated , that what is being talked about are actual and not merely imagined or fantasized lions .
10 However the public is influenced by the wider allegations and Kitcher expresses concern that ‘ Those who have been beguiled into thinking that a high school course in evolutionary biology is the gateway to a life of violence and depravity are not likely to ponder the scientific credentials . ’
11 So Lindsay had two stallions to take home , and as two stallions are not likely to share the close proximity of a horse trailer without taking each other apart , and probably the horse trailer too , a crowd gathered to watch in expectation !
12 We 're not likely to make the same mistakes again .
13 Optical discs are soon likely to become the standard means of storing multimedia information .
14 Hence , one might expect the middle class to opt for the political party most likely to conserve the existing state of affairs .
15 But Cleveland 's case is the most likely to reach the high court .
16 The question of which type of cell is most likely to give the desired result remains unanswered , but work such as theirs will help to elucidate this matter .
17 It so happened that the Gulf War in Kuwait was filling our attention , and so I switched on a video tape whenever something attracted me and I found that I would be most likely to record the daily sessions on the BBC 's Newsnight with Peter Snow discussing the disposition of troops over the battle zone using a visual aid which is now known as the sandpit .
18 With his entrepreneurial skills , and his international connections , he seemed for a time the man most likely to lead the British film industry away from its artisanal base , but he turned out to be no more responsive than anyone else to developments that were going to make things very difficult for the pioneers .
19 Urging a review of the UK system , compared it with France where , although special support went to deprived regions , there was a wide range of financial incentives specially tailored to industrial programmes so a higher proportion went to businesses most likely to produce the best results .
20 Certainly at county level Walsh has been among the most penetrative bowlers on the circuit since his debut here in 1984 , and in that period his name can be bracketed with such as Sir Richard Hadlee , Malcolm Marshall , Neil Foster , Terry Alderman , Allan Donald , and Waqar Younis as the man most likely to top the end-of-season averages .
21 We might infer simply that Nietzsche supposed this aspect was the most likely to interest the general public .
22 With so many other potential challengers struggling , United are suddenly looking the team most likely to win the Premier League .
23 This interpretation squares up with the survey 's finding that people were most likely to apply the critical comment ‘ you feel you 'd never finish paying ’ to the two types of credit which , though not in themselves necessitating long repayment schedules , tend to be associated with the larger loans which would impose long schedules on a ‘ rationed ’ consumer .
24 His strategy is the one most likely to guarantee the maximum number of his own offspring .
25 The individual that produces the most clear-cut signal is most likely to have the most offspring .
26 His nursing care was gradually reduced as Stanley became more independent , but he continued to have a nurse in attendance overnight , when he was most likely to suffer the epileptic fits .
27 If we look far enough ahead electric vehicles are eventually likely to replace the internal combustion engine but this will probably be far in the future for a number of reasons .
28 Consequently , any measure which seeks to strengthen central influence on the curriculum and to weaken teachers ' autonomy in curriculum matters is still likely to evince the same suspicion and hostility with which teachers responded to ‘ payment by results ’ .
29 Generally speaking , however , novelists are much more likely to celebrate the domestic virtues that , given half a chance , the working class can be expected to display ; and , in order to produce that image , a certain amount of cleaning-up goes on .
30 They were , too , more likely to enjoy the actual work , for they had undertaken training to do it .
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