Example sentences of "[adv] likely [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I propose , as I believe Judge Diamond intended , to consider the preliminary issue on the premise that the effect of the relevant allegations in the statement of claim is as follows : ( 1 ) The health authority 's treatment of the delivery of the plaintiff and the confinement of his mother lacked proper skill and care in respects which were foreseeably likely to result in the plaintiff being born with disabilities .
2 Knowing you have a structured interview to progress through will make you less likely to fall into the trap of making an intuitive decision at the opening stages of the interview .
3 However , an attractively designed computer is less likely to fall within the scope of registered designs because a person buying a computer is more interested in the performance of the computer ; its appearance is not important to a material extent , although it must be acknowledged that the Design Registry and the courts took a fairly liberal attitude prior to the changes to the 1949 Act and are likely to continue to be generous in this respect .
4 Children who are alienated by parental rejection , disaffected by continuous and severe punishment , do not identify with their parents ' point of view when they are being disciplined , and are therefore less likely to agree with the criticism being made and less liable to ‘ internalize ’ the judgement .
5 The results are less likely to seep into the sand . ’
6 Here it will be less likely to pull across the pavement into the road .
7 In most of the southern States , therefore , the level of AFDC payments is much less likely to contribute to the generation of a ‘ culture of dependency ’ on the state than is the case in many further north — especially in the Upper Great Lakes region — and west . )
8 When a firm is mature , with a long track-record , investors are less likely to pay over the odds for it .
9 So , there is an overall decline but technology may be selectively affecting those who are partially-hearing and they are less likely to appear in the statistics for special education ( DES , 1981 ) .
10 IT SEEMS that even in its own time the thirteenth-century motet was considered by many to be a sophisticated , subtle genre , only likely to appeal to the literati .
11 A ‘ token ’ cut in interest rates of half a point to 10 p.c. was nevertheless likely to happen before the end of the month .
12 My fear is that I am not likely to serve on the Standing Committee , although I volunteer for such duty if the opportunity be there .
13 If I pick and choose at this stage , I 'm not likely to get off the ground .
14 And the number is not likely to reduce as the scope of spreads and as we 're offered new technologies , software technologies by vendors .
15 Furthermore , if outside agencies — such as courts or social workers decide that socialization has in some way been inadequate , it is to the family that they are most likely to turn in the allocation of blame or responsibility .
16 The adverse circumstances appeared to be part of a chain of events : girls experiencing early disrupted parenting before being admitted into care were most likely to return from the institution to a discordant home .
17 terms of what is most likely to happen on the basis of the information available .
18 But it may yield an agreement to establish a constitutional framework most likely to lead to the pursuit of well-founded ideals , given the information available at any given time .
19 The amateur collector is most likely to come across the cycad foliage , with its characteristic narrow central rib and flat leaflets .
20 If this is the case , the ones most likely to buckle under the heat of the pressure will be those Christians who lack personal conviction .
21 Although modern haymaking involves expensive , sophisticated machinery , it is still possible for a smallholder to make and store excellent hay with very modest tackle , and it is hay on which he is most likely to depend for the bulk of his winter keep .
22 Fife College has been seen as one of the further education colleges most likely to break through the barrier which separates the sector from higher education , and there have been suggestions that it could become Fife 's second university , after St Andrews .
23 Moreover , credit cost as a factor in buying choice — dwarfed as it is by convenience — is in practice most likely to focus on the amount of each instalment payment .
24 Kansas , North Dakota , Minnesota and Montana were the states most likely to benefit from the legislation .
25 Nevertheless , the Australian is still likely to preside over the punishment of the opponent who beat him in the World Open final .
26 There are invariably more mature female goats around than males , and the inference is that the males , as a result of their arduous rut , are more likely to die during the winter .
27 The study suggests that women under 50 with breast cancer are more likely to die from the disease if it is first picked up by mammograms than if they discover the lump by feeling their breasts .
28 He said that many people who could do so would be more likely to shop on the continent .
29 He said that many people who could do so would be more likely to shop on the continent .
30 But it was only one of those sleeps into which he was ever more likely to fall during the day and she knew he would waken , roaring , in an hour or so .
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