Example sentences of "[adv] be draw [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of a totally sealed labour market , new employees would only be drawn from the families of existing staff , and efforts would be made to ensure that individuals did not seek places outside the firm .
2 The following conclusions can perhaps be drawn from the authorities .
3 Though he would not be drawn on the details , Smith 's presentation was sprinkled liberally with references to a Windows bulletin-board application that will appear next year .
4 Conclusions can not be drawn about the effectiveness of polychemotherapy for non-resectable non-small-cell lung cancer ( NSCLC ) because the published randomised trials of polychemotherapy vs supportive care have been too small .
5 But he would not be drawn about the prospect of being reunited with his estranged wife Becky or his affection for former girlfriend Arabella Tait .
6 He must not be drawn into the sphere of those responsible for preventing accidents , for this would prejudice his independence and impartiality in the investigation of any subsequent accident .
7 Drexel 's 11,000 ex-employees may not be drawn from the rainbow coalition , but lots of consumers and workers in America have reason to like some of what they did very much .
8 ( The tubes could not be drawn from the head/block for the same reason . )
9 If they chose Ireland , as I believe most of them would , then the Ascendancy could once more be drawn to the heart of Irish life and be given a high-minded function .
10 Provided that the inference could reasonably be drawn from the evidence , the fact that the court itself might not have done so would be irrelevant .
11 We can even be drawn into the need to fulfil our ideals , put forward our political ambitions , as well as the desire to see our religious beliefs accepted by others .
12 A tall student with very long legs may well be drawn to the kicks , whereas a small person may prefer close-in fist strikes .
13 Like all rose growers , Mark Mattocks wo n't be drawn on the parentage of his flowers .
14 Marcus 's innocent , 16-year-old Spanish girlfriend Pilar will then be drawn into the tragedy .
15 ‘ If a cause were to be rendered of natural appearances in special as what are the motions and influences of the heavenly bodies and of their parts , the reason hereof must either be drawn from the parts of the sciences above mentioned , or no reason at all will be given , but all left to uncertain conjecture . ’
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