Example sentences of "[adv] be expect [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , in a Keynesian model where an increase in the supply of money can generally be expected to have real effects , i.e. where output will rise , the private sector will be able rationally to predict these quantity effects from the correct model ( in this case Keynesian ) which is included in the information set .
2 Candidates will normally be expected to have some postgraduate or teaching experience , although training will be provided by the University 's Centre for Teaching , Learning and Assessment .
3 I can not be expected to monitor these statements .
4 The Association would regard the professional responsibilities of the librarian to include full discretion over the acquisitions made by the library service within the terms of the general guidelines laid down by an employer : in the case of public libraries these guidelines should not be expected to allow local censorship .
5 Patients refused admission can not be expected to take much comfort from this explanation of their plight .
6 If you are called for an interview with a local authority , you would not be expected to answer detailed questions relating to local government law .
7 The biological resources that just supported small nomadic populations at a neolithic level of culture can not be expected to support larger populations at southern standards of living .
8 The left argued that children who speak dialect at home could not be expected to speak Standard English , which they regarded as middle class , and that it was improper to make this an essential attainment target in a national curriculum .
9 Aguirre , previously thought of as one of the President 's most loyal officers , described it as " unfair and unjust " and stated that a leader who was incapable of " making a just and proper decision over a simple matter such as appointments can not be expected to make correct decisions about the complex affairs of state " .
10 The Swedish Prime Minister , Carl Bildt , justly complained that ‘ membership has unspecified potential obligations ’ , and that Sweden thus could not be expected to make binding assurances that she would participate in a common defence policy which has not yet been defined .
11 Without a market for externalities the price system can not be expected to bring marginal costs and marginal benefits of these externalities into line .
12 Over one thousand qualified , committed and underpaid young men and women can not be expected to exercise greater patience .
13 The market can not be expected to exercise self- restraint — this is the duty of government .
14 While younger pupils can not be expected to have great depth of understanding and indeed will not reach a mature conceptual level of historical understanding until their mid-teens , none the less the initial building bricks in the process can be laid from the very beginning of the pupil 's school career .
15 It is not right to assume that those in inner-city areas can not be expected to achieve good examination results .
16 Local large employers could also be encouraged to establish departments providing work experience for people with long-term disabilities , provided they received financial incentives in the form of capital grants and revenue support : employers should not be expected to provide charitable funds or investment , although they can provide an atmosphere of tolerance , access for sheltered workers to the benefits which other employees enjoy ( such as sports and canteen facilities ) , and a willingness to consider these supported workers for more general employment if they make good progress .
17 The court accepted that the minister would not be expected to hear such representations as if he were a judge .
18 A girl brought up in a convent with the whole town knowing her circumstances could not be expected to feel any warmth towards the people who lived in splendour over in Westlands .
19 But while you will usually be expected to remember other pieces you have seen before — and how you analysed them — you should not discuss those other passages in your answer ( unless you are explicitly instructed to , which none of the above questions do ) .
20 He argued that , on the one hand , reproduction is mainly practised by peasants and others of low rank , who could hardly be expected to show much interest in whether they produced male or female children .
21 Consequently , the master or captain of the tanker or dry bulk shipment vessel may reasonably be expected to sign each bill .
22 Whether the risk is one against which the occupier may reasonably be expected to offer some protection will depend upon factors which are more usually taken into account when assessing the standard of care , e.g. the nature and extent of the risk , practicability of precautions and , possibly , the type of entrant .
23 On the other hand , ’ the flat menace in his voice silenced her indignant denial before it could be voiced , ‘ a woman in her twenties might reasonably be expected to show more intelligence .
24 To conclude , therefore , the enforcement of essentially procedural decision-making standards is within the capacity of the courts and might reasonably be expected to have beneficial effects .
25 A counter-notice which must be served within 21 days after service of the Notice , should only be given where it is required that the party whose statement it is sought to admit , should be called as a witness , but there are witnesses who can not , or should not be called , that is if dead , beyond the seas , or unfit to attend , or who can not after reasonable diligence be identified , or can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection ; consequently in respect of all those persons , the opposing party is not entitled to serve a counter-notice requiring such person to be called unless he can contend that the person can , or should be called .
26 There are five specific reasons for not calling a witness given in r25 — namely , that the witness is dead or beyond the seas or unfit by reason of bodily or mental condition to attend as a witness or that , despite the exercise of reasonable diligence , it has not been possible to identify or find him or that he can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection of matters relevant to the accuracy or otherwise of the statement .
27 Note that since the CRE sequence exhibits inversion symmetry , the conformation of the dodecamer would also be expected to respect this symmetry .
28 Inclusive of the manor of Clipsham his Rutland property alone exceeded £12 in value , and from Buckinghamshire he drew a further £43.2 As a gentleman , the absentee William Dall ( or Dale ) could also be expected to have other property , and was in fact lord of the neighbouring manor of Tickencote , where he resided .
29 London buses will also be expected to achieve commercial viability , except for some outlying services .
30 An acceptable formula will probably be expected to make each school 's ‘ budget share ’ depend mainly on the numbers of pupils in the school , but also to take into account such factors as the ages of the children , the subjects they are studying , and the numbers with special needs ; and also perhaps the levels of social advantage and disadvantage in the community the school serves .
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