Example sentences of "[adv] amount to a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was also charged with forcing the king to bestow the earldom of March upon him in the Salisbury parliament of 1328 and then leading an armed band against the Earl of Lancaster , with procuring the death of the Earl of Rent , fomenting discord between Edward II and Isabella , and other offences which together amounted to a comprehensive indictment of his rule since 1326 , The earls and barons , ‘ the peers of the realm ’ , were asked to give their judgement on these charges and they declared that they were notorious and manifest to all .
2 They note that for a deviation Δ of 10 -11 the accumulated effect over a year would only amount to a relative velocity of 1 µm s -1 towards the Sun !
3 The strong correlation between characterization and prenominal position , and " occasion " use and postnominal position also falls naturally into place , as well as the fact that it does not amount to a complete correspondence .
4 But singing songs and letter writing , though powerful antidotes to homesickness , did not amount to a decent education , as Anna Essinger was well aware .
5 For Labour , Mr Donald Dewar said the figures did not amount to a real increase and took no account of cuts in local authority spending in recent years .
6 Thus although possibly it may amount to a transfer of value it could not amount to a chargeable transfer and it is only upon chargeable transfers that inheritance tax is payable .
7 These fragmentary observations — some of them , like the contrast between government and administration , misleading — clearly do not amount to a systematic theory of the political transition from capitalist to socialist society , or of the eventual nature of a socialist political system .
8 Detinue , with its procedural disadvantages , wilted considerably under this treatment though it retained a place in the law because inability to redeliver as a result of loss or destruction of the goods could not amount to a positive denial of title for the purposes of conversion .
9 Should the local authority refuse to initiate formal proceedings for some reason , perhaps because they are of the opinion that the odour does not amount to a statutory nuisance or they themselves are causing the offending odour , then an individual complainant may himself take summary action under s.99 of the Public Health Act 1936 , ( see Chapter 3 ) but may not bring proceedings in the High Court .
10 Here , each individual act or continuing infraction may not amount to a significant harm of itself .
11 Their hunch was held not to amount to a reasonable suspicion .
12 But these largely managerial changes hardly amounted to a fundamental review ; rather they were concerned to promote competition and value for money .
13 Lessening the attractiveness of these benefits , for which people have directly paid contributions , in the hope of boosting the provision of private welfare , for which people will also have to make contributions , hardly amounts to a clear strategy to reduce welfare dependency .
14 Even if you pay income tax , it still amounts to a real return of 2 per cent .
15 However , an accountant 's professional work does not always amount to a continuous supply of services .
16 But these developments , while welcome , do not usually amount to a cross-disciplinary vehicle for systematically reflecting on the quality of the student learning .
17 The class of shares in respect of which employees and directors are granted options will usually provide for a mandatory sale upon cessation of employment , which strictly amounts to a uniform restriction across the whole of that class of shares .
18 In addition , the bank 's refusal of the receipt message and of the eventual transfer of the bill of lading can also amount to a final rejection of beneficiary 's tender , especially when the discrepancy in the receipt message is major and incurable .
19 A breach of a covenant of quiet enjoyment may also amount to a criminal offence .
20 It can also amount to a fundamental critique of the student 's core discipline and , therefore , has to be handled with care , as it can be unsettling .
21 It was clear from the type of contract entered into ( purchase of seed to grow a commercial crop to be sold for profit ) that the likely loss , caused if the defendants supplied defective seed , would exceed the purchase price by such an amount ( namely the value of the ultimate crop ) that the limitation really amounted to a total exclusion of liability .
22 The plaintiff seeks a declaration that the use of Bridge Road and part of Medway Road by heavy goods vehicles using the port between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. amounts to a public nuisance .
23 In effect governments take on a commitment to support a part of the costs of several hundred projects at any one time , such ‘ counterpart funding ’ in countries like Kenya or Tanzania frequently amounts to a nominal commitment of about $200 million per year .
24 It is the resulting harm ( death ) which still dominates , as is evident from the fact that many forms of conduct fall within the law of manslaughter if death happens to result , whereas they would not even amount to a serious offence if a consequence less than death had ensued .
25 There appear to be a lot jotted throughout , but they do n't amount to a vast amount of money .
26 It was difficult to tell as , in their search for an individual expression of fashion , they had adopted what virtually amounted to a black uniform .
27 Living amongst the Indonesians , where the pursuit of wisdom virtually amounts to a national pastime , the elements of Earth , Air , Fire , Water and Ether became real for me in a way they had never been in the writings of the Gnostics or the Pythagoreans .
28 CNAA members wished a set of special arrangements to be made for part-time students almost amounting to a separate course .
29 If the Magistrates ' Court is satisfied that the odour complained of does indeed amount to a statutory nuisance , a nuisance order must be granted for one or both the following purposes :
30 As mentioned above , although the exiled inhabitants of Siberia never amounted to a large proportion of the total population , nevertheless they did make a significant quantitative and qualitative contribution during the seventeenth century to the region 's manpower resources — accounting for around 11 per cent of the total , and engaged in a variety of administrative , military , clerical and agricultural occupations essential to the proper management of the newly-conquered territories .
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