Example sentences of "[adv] be brought into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , Lanovoi , a proponent of radical economic reform , claimed that he had only been brought into the Cabinet four months previously [ see p. 38828 ] " to create an impression that renovation was under way " .
2 He was only four seats fewer than Wilson and the Ulster loyalists could perhaps be brought into the equation .
3 Dennett ( see below ) has in recent publications emphasized the relative emptiness of the contents of consciousness : all that is not there and which , for much of the workings of our bodies , can not be brought into the contents of consciousness .
4 The big tobacco companies , which offered financial support , caused some embarrassment by suggesting that anti-smoking campaigns should not be brought into the classroom .
5 Neighbouring states and international bodies could also be brought into the settlement which would preferably be enshrined in a treaty .
6 The restlessness of industrialists at being expected to take the brunt of sacrifices had led to commercial consumers ( shops , offices , hotels , etc. ) also being brought into the load spreading arrangements in 1948 .
7 The CAB adviser is supported by the vast information system which will often be brought into the prison using the portable microfilm system .
8 e ) Trade unions have developed a wide range of learning materials and processes which can usefully be brought into the classroom .
9 Moz 's dinner could then be brought into the yard without dumping it over the fence ; and the horse was then led up to this food , caressed a few times , and released while he was still distracted by eating the first few mouthfuls .
10 Friends say they hope all the facts about David Pratley 's death can then be brought into the open .
11 Clearly , combined earnings of more than £2 a week must have quite commonly been brought into the households of mule spinners , while £2.50 would hardly have been exceptional .
12 We must fight for greater tolerance , and for legislation that protects against anti-gay discrimination , to ensure that something like Section 28 will never be brought into the rest of Europe .
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