Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [art] present [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And he urged a new emphasis on the victims , saying they were badly treated under the present system .
2 The European Community ( EC ) , for example , actually came into existence largely through an acute perception of French national interests by Jean Monnet , who was mainly responsible for creating the European Coal and Steel Community — the precursor of the Common Market — as a means of protecting French industry and especially French steel makers from their more efficient German competitors ; and it is widely recognized at the present time that national interests continue to play a major part in the debates and decisions of the Community .
3 However , events have only moved to the present position as a result of the intransigence of the school 's management , and the reluctance to listen and respond to the concerns of a large number of parents .
4 Such sources are valuable for the wide-ranging data they provide and , particularly , for the historical dimension they add to primary data that is necessarily bound to the present day .
5 A moment later , I spotted the young Mr Cardinal not far away , still standing on his own , and it struck me the young gentleman might be feeling somewhat overawed in the present company .
6 Agree that Practice Rule 15 be not amended at the present time .
7 Belle and I floored another hen betwixt the pair of us , and I shall be no sooner done with the present writing racket than I shall put myself outside a pint of Guinness .
8 They resolved that , if the money was now obtainable , it should be applied to assist the funds of the journal designated at that time the Veterinary Record ( not connected with the present journal of that name ) which was edited by professors of the College .
9 In eight patients , there were other benign tumours within the resection specimen — that is , tubular adenomas or tubulovillous adenomas ; these tumours were not sampled during the present study , while one patient had two separate , synchronous primary tumours ( in the left colon and transverse colon ) .
10 By the end of this stage , social productivity and economic efficiency would have increased at least two-fold compared to the present day .
11 Political marketing is no longer suited to the present situation . ’
12 Agree that charges for the Remuneration Certificate service be not introduced at the present time .
13 But the ordinary and correct course was not followed in the present case , with the unfortunate results that the case itself demonstrates .
14 The precise mechanism of enalapril 's antialbuminuric effects is not elucidated by the present study .
15 The early impression that the virus was of prime aetiological significance in AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis is not supported by the present prevalence ; the absence of a better outlook in AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis patients ( with cytomegalovirus ) treated with foscarnet compared with untreated patients in consistent with the conclusion that it is unlikely to be important .
16 ‘ As Londoners , desperately worried about the present route of the Channel tunnel , what do we say to those who think the Talis alternative is beneficial ? ’ — Chris Fraser , Peckham ‘ Out of the huge crowd of demonstrators , a woman ran out and thrust a baby in my arms — then she vanished ’ — Kenneth Clarke , Secretary of State for Health ‘ Polluted rivers , filthy streets , bodies bedded-down in doorways are no advertisement for a prosperous or caring society ’ - Michael Heseltine ‘ We know that God has endowed her with that great quality of not fidgeting when it is necessary to come to grips with prickly nettles …
17 It 's not united at the present day , there are far too many lefts and rights and centres .
18 Two other plans , not activated in the present dispute , were also drawn up .
19 Disease free mucosa from cancer patients was not studied in the present investigation because of the technical difficulty of taking a second biopsy after the tumour had been removed .
20 The strict settlement method is rarely used at the present day .
21 Will the Secretary of State confirm that fully two thirds of the costs of Trident have already been spent or contractually committed by the present Government ?
22 Just about one hundred years earlier , in 1099 , during the First Crusade , the Order of the Knights of St. John was instituted with the Maltese Cross as the symbol — still used by the present day St. John 's Ambulance Order .
23 An approach more suited to the present day is advocated by the UK Energy Efficiency Office which promotes the view that greater efficiency in energy use can play a major rôle is raising industry 's profitability .
24 In what follows , we shall narrow the scope of the term to something more adapted to the present purpose .
25 The famous mithraeum was not built from scratch but was adapted from a grotto/nymphaeum , the remains of which are still attached to the present structure to a height of twelve metres .
26 Most risk factors sought in previous studies were also examined in the present study , with the notable exceptions of Helicobacter pylori infection , gastric acid secretion , pepsinogen , gastrin , and blood group .
27 We need a sector policy that will look closely at the Engineering Training Authority , which was also dismembered by the present Government .
28 In deliberating on this important issue the Committee recognised the importance of ensuring that all staff in the Exchequer Division should be clearly informed of the present position .
29 But we know that there must have been some irregularities , because otherwise the matter in the universe would still be perfectly uniformly distributed at the present epoch , instead of being clumped together in stars and galaxies .
30 After falling into decay this century , the house , gardens and outbuildings were extensively and sympathetically restored by the present owner in the 1980s .
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