Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] saw the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Only when they saw the hooded men with blood-covered knives approaching their cars did they realise what lay in store for them .
2 Only when he saw the two girls actually standing up to peer at him past the curtains of Healy 's window did he show any reaction .
3 I think , because I had been working on Armchair Theatre , I was used to a certain style of drama , so when I saw the first Doctor Who script my first reaction was , after the first half hour , all we were left with was a lot of hairy-chested cavemen jumping around , grunting and going ‘ Ug ’ .
4 So when he saw the 301 project it gave him the idea of using ultra-modern airframe and engine technology and aerodynamics to achieve the same magic numbers with a single turboprop instead of two kerosene-guzzling pure jets .
5 The first he knew of it was a warning call from high above where he saw the angry silhouette of a golden eagle stooping .
6 But that 's not where we saw the red squirrel .
7 It was not till we saw the captive aerostat balloon with its ever watching radar that the Americans had hoisted over Grand Bahama to probe for boats or aircraft smuggling drugs , that the Maggot again spoke , and by then he had recaptured all his old insouciance .
8 He stepped back a pace , smiling broadly as he saw the young woman who stood before him , looking slightly surprised .
9 She called out to the night-nurse who scurried over when she saw the red smear on the stiff white pillowcase .
10 He looked up desperately as he saw the other assassin now approach , his dagger raised , waiting to strike .
11 He moved as soon as he saw the first bead of sweat break on her pallid face , and then he was almost too late .
12 He turned his head a little and she saw the blue glass flowering from his skull , its silken stamens drooping elegantly as he moved .
13 The blue eyes glittered mockingly as he saw the fierce colour rush up her face .
14 Her song was cut short when she saw the filthy knapsack sitting on the new , pink broadloom and making a smudge against the blush pink wall .
15 The fellow stood up and I saw the long , brown gown of a Franciscan monk , the rough cord round his waist and the wooden crucifix slung on a piece of string round his neck .
16 Gorphal picked up the parchment and raised one eyebrow slightly when he saw the familiar ideograms of the Golden Empire .
17 Please believe that , at least , ’ she finished brokenly , not caring now if he saw the naked pleading in her eyes .
18 ‘ We only found out when we saw the Daily Mirror , ’ said Craig , who lives with Julie and their three other children in Luton , Beds .
19 And remember , Roger , the thread had been removed , the fuse destroys itself , and people coming in and out of the room , once the bed was on fire , would scarcely think it suspicious even if they saw the odd burn mark on the floor .
20 Moi children who had heard the noise of their approach came running helter-skelter to surround them and began shouting excitedly when they saw the dead deer .
21 He lowered his head then and she saw the deep , intense passion in his eyes , felt the searing heat race through her body .
22 FitzAlan glanced over his shoulder , turning fully when he saw the ugly discolouration along her cheekbone and the narrow line of dried blood where she had been cut by a ring .
23 After a moment or two to pull herself together and wash her face , she went back through the bedroom , her stomach heaving again when she saw the crumpled disorder of the bed .
24 Look at the splendid sight , ’ he waved his hand , just as Mr Blackwell the owner appeared , but who almost disappeared again when he saw the vast crowd about to troop up and down his narrow staircase and crowded rooms .
25 Sophie 's heart sank a little as she saw the grim line of his mouth but his eyes at first showed open admiration as they swept over her .
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