Example sentences of "[adv] [art] greater [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of the time of the House devoted to Public Bills , much the greater part in turn is devoted to Government Bills , i.e. Bills promoted by the government of the day , as opposed to those promoted by private Members .
2 And secondly , you 'll get a greater , obviously a greater amount of litter , because they do eat as they walk across the sites .
3 But there is nevertheless a greater precision in line B , since " his violence " specifies the kind of " sin " or " trouble " ( ) that the A-line speaks of .
4 Alternatively , you can enjoy higher internal temperatures than before without increasing your heating bills , but in this case there will be no direct savings , just a greater degree of comfort .
5 In recent years , however , analysis based upon a given concept of ideology has been complemented by other projects , some of which also analyse buildings as repressive mechanisms or authoritarian representations ( e.g. Foucault 1977b ) , but whose overarching concepts such as ‘ power ’ or ‘ discourse ’ imply a still greater distance between interests and representations , and thereby a greater commitment to objectivism .
6 That there was an increased demand for servants during the century entailed a greater independence for those dissatisfied with particular masters , hence a greater potential for conflict .
7 This entails both a greater awareness of text features and provision of more time for reading .
8 That the names have survived with little alteration to the present day suggests both a greater stability in continuity than before and a stronger cultural impact than the Romans had had on the local native population .
9 So , for by far the greater part of humanity , the fortunes of life still depended on what happened to and on the land .
10 And lastly , there is a serious applied intent to my talk , for if a student is brought closer to the realities of language , there follows almost inevitably a greater sense of relevance , purposefulness , and motivation .
11 This suggests that there is now a greater degree of overlap in the characteristics of people accommodated in different forms of care .
12 The parents want to achieve a minimum of emotional involvement because they have no energy to think and no patience but the result is often a greater investment of time and effort through forcing the child via threats , smacks , and shouts .
13 The popular fronts themselves became still more intransigent in their demands : both the Latvian and the Lithuanian fronts , in late 1989 , were openly contemplating the possibility of formal secession from the USSR , not simply a greater measure of autonomy , and the three fronts jointly organised a Baltic Assembly which called for political independence for the republics within a ‘ neutral and demilitarised Balto-Scandia ’ .
14 Now , partly I think as a result of the numbers being fewer , but partly as a result of simply a greater awareness of need , I think , the schools are more caring places , they do try erm not to treat erm minority groups as just annoying variants on the majority group , they try to erm think through their problems and to help to meet them .
15 If they had not , then the greater part of cosmology and theoretical physics would have had to be junked as so much useless scribbling .
16 ‘ Overkill ’ causes unnecessary suffering to the offender , and all suffering is bad unless it prevents a greater amount of suffering or brings about a greater quantity of pleasure .
17 Although HIV has brought about a greater degree of openness in sexual matters , more research is still needed on sexual behaviour to help target prevention messages and identify who is at risk .
18 The pressures for independence or at least a greater measure of autonomy that emerged in the Baltic republics were the most serious of their kind that the Soviet leadership had to confront in the early Gorbachev years .
19 Of course , there are times when a greater sense of control does more than simply enhance the driving experience .
20 A fuller discussion of the balance of effect is , therefore , deferred until chapter 5 when a greater range of consideration can be entertained .
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