Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the nineteenth [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Early in the nineteenth century the Devon was shipped to Tasmania and was exported to mainland Australia at intervals during the century until health restrictions put an end to imports .
2 Later in the nineteenth century the Lodge became the rectory for St Mary 's Church of Easton Neston , which it remained until the 1880s .
3 Later in the nineteenth century the British Empire and South America became potent fields of railway investment activity .
4 Right up to the nineteenth century the winegrowers of Anjou and Touraine would refer to their best wines as " vins pour la mer " , the wines which were going to be taken down to the sea via Nantes .
5 Until well into the nineteenth century the nation 's coalminers were not regarded as a race apart , living and working in closely-knit communities dominated by the colliery 's winding gear and huge , ugly muck stacks , but merely as one of a number of groups of village craftsmen and labourers .
6 Even in the nineteenth century the total revenue raised from parents in industrial schools only amounted to between 2.5 and 5 per cent of expenditure , while in the period 1948–69 the parental share of the costs of children in care amounted only to between 4 per cent and 6.5 per cent .
7 Bryan Keith-Lucas has described how during the nineteenth century the local government franchise gradually became based upon general Acts of Parliament rather than on a ‘ medley of jurisdiction and authority ’ deriving from the common law and local Acts ( Keith-Lucas 1952:221 ) .
8 Yet in the nineteenth century the ‘ Breton pie-noir ’ was so numerous that it was found far from its native area — for example in southwest France to make amends for the inadequacies of the local Gascon as a milker .
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