Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] station [conj] " in BNC.

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1 They said I might have to go down to the police station and be interviewed there later in their inquiries .
2 Would Sara and Mr. Preston come down to the police station and see if they could identify the men ?
3 Now look here , if you honestly think that I 'm going down to the police station and verifying a story like that then you can think again !
4 Anyone finding them should hand them in at a police station or to any officer he said .
5 They drove off to the police station and later returned to the pub with two officers .
6 He would drop it off at the police station when he was well enough .
7 It 's not got to court for sort of like , four or five weeks get adjourned or come up to the police station and then like get your hand slapped .
8 Right if I can get the video there is a video somewhere in the police station that shows a lot of different police forces , but it 's finding it .
9 She would soon be back from the police station and the supermarket with tales to tell , tales of Oriental complexity and splendour , of law and commerce and life on the seething streets .
10 Minutes later every police station in the Metropolitan area was receiving a description of a man and instructions for every beat officer to keep an eye open , to spot but not approach , to radio back to the police station and tail the suspect but not intervene .
11 As I walked across the car park I looked back at the police station and almost expected to see the figure of Inspector Drew looming at one of the windows as in an early Orson Welles film .
12 Or Munni , a slum dweller in Delhi , arrested with 11 others and kept overnight at a police station where she was stripped and beaten .
13 I was arrested on a Wednesday and kept overnight at the police station and questioned .
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