Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] first half of " in BNC.

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1 Domestic exports performed badly during the first half of 1990 , but growth in the re-export trade partly compensated .
2 Gael , who is not religious , holds only with the first half of the double limerick according to which existence depends on being the object of another 's perception .
3 In addition , the two-tier pricing system allowed US domestic industry to purchase oil well below world market prices ( some 40 per cent below in the first half of 1979 ) .
4 Bridget Hill has remarked that what constituted marriage among the eighteenth-century lower orders was " anything but clearly defined " , especially in the first half of the century before the passing of Hardwicke 's Marriage Act .
5 This demographic pattern was laid down in the first half of the century when the inter-war birth-rate declined markedly .
6 The " good years " of textile out-workers , for example , began before the war but lasted only over the first half of it .
7 Thus during the first half of this first term , students begin to develop their work as collectors and presenters of story and poetry material , and of becoming more expert in children 's fiction of every kind .
8 Already during the first half of the second millennium B.C. Minoan smiths were fabricating gold jewellery from metal most probably imported from Egypt .
9 Villages as well as towns expanded rapidly during the first half of the nineteenth century .
10 South Shields , St Helens and Birkenhead all shot up quickly during the first half of the nineteenth century .
11 This type of diabetes is diagnosed usually in the first half of life , exposing those affected to abnormal levels of blood glucose and other metabolites for decades .
12 However , Soviet trade with the West expanded rapidly in the first half of 1989 , showing a 9 per cent growth in volume , while imports grew by about 11 per cent .
13 The various government schemes designed to assist labour transfers ( Johnson and Salt , 1980 ) have traditionally made an extremely limited contribution to migration and were cut back further in the first half of the 1980s .
14 A legally binding agreement to implement this 14-page political declaration was scheduled to be drawn up in the first half of 1992 .
15 Now , he says he will keep the post until free elections are held , probably in the first half of the coming year .
16 The simultaneous process of relaxing autarchy and rapprochement with the western democracies moved very slowly in the first half of the 1950s .
17 It is perhaps easier to work with the Germans , whom Britain fought so bitterly in the first half of this century , than with the French or the Italians , whose active roles in the Second World War were prematurely curtailed .
18 But I mean would that is the the the sort of the thing I would like to put an em emphasis on in the first half of the term .
19 There was little room for lesbians to be out in the first half of this century , unless of course they moved in the right literary or aristocratic circles .
20 The Report was intended as a review , giving a complete survey ( according to its prospectus ) of Chemistry and its Allied Sciences ; it was to come out in the first half of the year following that reviewed ; and it would give a faithful and ‘ whenever necessary , a complete digest of each investigation ’ in chemistry , and its applications in pharmacy , arts and manufactures .
21 Deliveries of Cuban sugar , which arrives mainly in the first half of the year , load the Soviet sugar factories ' productive capacities in the period when they are not processing sugar beet ( Kolodov : 1984 , p. 16 ) .
22 As Professor Deane has put it , there took place , mainly in the first half of the century , " a series of developments in the money market , an expansion in the number , range and efficiency of English financial institutions which amounted in all to a financial revolution " .
23 Corporate partnerships in engineering , electronics and computing , especially involving West Germany which accounted for 120 such partnerships , had increased sharply in the first half of 1990 .
24 There is no doubt that conditions in these towns , particularly in the first half of the nineteenth century , were dreadful but Professor Hoskins seems more anxious to apportion blame for this than to explain why it happened , which is perhaps more important .
25 The traditions and attitudes of the seventeenth century were also continued in the importance attached , particularly in the first half of this period , to questions of diplomatic precedence .
26 One of the most reputed single-site vineyards of this area is ‘ Le Leon ’ , named after Pope Leo the Magnificent , who drew supplies from here in the first half of the nineteenth century .
27 OMEGA products have performed well in the first half of the year achieving significant growth in volume compared with last year .
28 There during the first half of the century , as in other armies , notably that of France , regiments were in effect the property of their colonels .
29 Between 1713 and 1763 they paid little attention to the colonies in America , and at least for the first half of the period it was hard to see what else could have been done .
30 Not that she was destined to get any practice at such a mega-speed , since Downes , at least for the first half of the interview , was to enunciate his words with the slow deliberation of a stupefied zombie .
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