Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] as possible [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes there is no substitute — but then use as little as possible or go without !
2 His views were later confirmed by SWWA 's own non-executive director John Lawrence who commented in his own report : ‘ There seems to be a culture in which the public are told as little as possible and expected to trust the Authority to look after their interests . ’
3 But it 's very difficult to say to people , ‘ Go back into your offices and rock your handset ’ , because it 's the last thing on your mind , especially after a boring afternoon like this , all you want to do is get in there , do as little as possible and go home !
4 There is ample room in that account of the situation for the further stipulation that the judge should decide in a way that engages his own political or moral convictions as little as possible and gives as much deference as possible to institutions conventionally authorized to make law .
5 They are designed to help all involved streamline their cases in a bid to keep the inquiry , expected to last two months , as concise as possible while covering all relevant points .
6 I turned it as low as possible and looked round the blind at Frankenstein 's house .
7 Using the cover of the bushes or whatever , I crouch as low as possible and manoeuvre myself into a position where I know I could cast to them , not forgetting to make a note of a landing site , for it is useless to hook a fish if you can not play it to the landing net .
8 Hold them as high as possible and pull them towards each other 30 times .
9 I did this by raising the borders as high as possible and mixing large quantities of coarse grit into the soil to make the drainage really sharp .
10 All you can do is be as honest as possible and go , ‘ Are you bored with doing this ? ’
11 It is better to keep things as simple as possible and to avoid mere gimmickry .
12 Shakes are possible if confined to notes within the treble stave , but opportunities for their appropriate use are very rare and the inexperienced orchestrator is advised to keep his horn parts in general as simple as possible and to avoid wide and ‘ unvocal ’ leaps .
13 The important thing is to steady yourself as much as possible and reach for the ground with one hand .
14 Get out of doors as much as possible and take some exercise — preferably fairly strenuous — every day .
15 In Winter we 're digging and in summer we eat outside as much as possible and enjoy looking at the fruits of our labour . "
16 He left after giving instructions that she was to rest as much as possible and drink plenty of milk .
17 The doctors told them to talk to him as much as possible and to play tapes of his favourite music , but Ken Lomax did not respond to their long , rambling , one-way conversations or the endless repetitions of his favourite country and western music .
18 Second , Mrs Allen was encouraged to rest her leg as much as possible and to elevate it when sitting to encourage venous return and prevent the development of dependent oedema .
19 For those who think they may be sensitive to synthetic chemicals , the only sound method of diagnosis is to avoid chemical exposure as much as possible and see if the symptoms improve .
20 I could hear the shotgun barking as I walked through the dim , dripping woods from the house , staying off the muddy path as much as possible and walking on the flattened , exhausted-looking grass at its side to keep my shoes from clogging up .
21 It is always sensible to avoid contact with blood spillages as much as possible when giving first aid to anyone .
22 The secret is to be as quick as possible and to keep the animal warm afterwards .
23 Hence , buffers should be both as large as possible and related in size to index record size .
24 The Lead Body has specified that the assessment environment should be as natural as possible and model the conditions of the workplace — its realism , consistency of performance and the need to deal with unexpected contingencies .
25 This style also reflects the attempt by the political élite in Moscow to hand down to the provinces general directives which were as sophisticated as possible and based on Marxist tenets in so far as they could be understood at lower levels .
26 ABA requires that these measurements be as objective as possible and taken before , during and after the intervention .
27 It urged civil servants to be as helpful as possible and to withhold information only in the interests of national security and ‘ good government ’ .
28 Let the older child get as involved as possible and point out how much the new baby loves her big brother .
29 2–5–1846 " considering the great evils from tippling houses , and also the number of these licensed , judged it proper to bring the matter before the Justices of the Peace by Petition that they might use their power in surpressing as many as possible and refuse to increase the number . "
30 In presenting learning tasks and information to pupils a flexible organisation is required and children need training to be as independent as possible when working without direct supervision .
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