Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] its support for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly they all function with the agreement of their management committees and funders , and within NACAB membership conditions , In fact NACAB has democratically voted its support for a broadening of roles , by reiterating in the new membership regulations the responsibility of the management committee for ensuring that bureau workers are trained in social policy work , and that they see it as a natural complement to bureau work when dealing with individual clients .
2 The Security Council also confirmed its support for the role played by Pérez de Cuéllar , explicitly requesting him " to assist the two communities by making suggestions to facilitate the discussions " , and calling on both communities to co-operate with him " on an equal footing " .
3 Time Out has repeatedly pledged its support for the Famous Compere 's Policedog ( alternative cabaret event ) through sponsorship and advertising .
4 HCIMA jointly awards the Level IV NVQ but has also pledged its support for the qualifications at Levels I-III .
5 ANDES 21 de junio ( Asociacion Nacional de Educadores Salvadorenos ) is a founder member of the BPR and openly expresses its support for the FDR-FMLN , while both the state and the Catholic universities have been consistent critics of the lack of democratic and civil liberties and have argued cogently for the need for social and economic reforms .
6 On the outbreak of war one week later , the Communist Party hesitated and then reversed its support for the war into an appeal for a " people 's peace " .
7 After the election the new government in November 1990 again expressed its support for the ban and confirmed that it remained in place .
8 The Structure Plan Review ( to 2005 ) , under preparation , will not achieve significant levels of materiality until well after the initial Consultative Draft stage , indeed , until Lothian Regional Council has publicly determined its support for the premises , assumptions , forecasts , policies and proposals developed through the public participation process and subsequently supported by the Director of Planning .
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