Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] her fingers [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Quickly wiping her fingers on the cotton wool , she tore a large plaster from its paper envelope and pressed the dressing into place over the lacerated bump .
2 You need to know everything about the way she buys , the way she sells , the way she checks up that that girl who works for her has n't got her fingers in the till — everything about the way she runs that business .
3 His big hand enclosed hers , ruthlessly prised her fingers from the key and insolently took possession of it .
4 Wild pleasure streaked to every nerve-end in Caroline 's body , the reaction intensifying as he moved his mouth to the other breast , scorching such shafts of response through her that she caught his dark head in her hands , convulsively raking her fingers through the silky curls of his hair , arching herself up to his touch .
5 Sliding her hands round to his flat stomach , she lightly ran her fingers through the hair arrowing down from his navel and he gave a long shudder .
6 ‘ Then your ‘ authority ’ is n't as good as you think , ’ she snapped , mentally crossing her fingers against the lie .
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