Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] eyes to the " in BNC.

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1 The return to rock means the supercession of demystification by re-mystification , giving people back their sense of worship , rather than forcibly opening their eyes to the nuts and bolts of how ‘ myth ’ is constructed .
2 She now flapped her hand as if shooing something away , then went out of the kitchen and onto the landing , and here , as she had before , she stopped , but only long enough to raise her eyes to the whitewashed ceiling as her mind said , Dear God , do n't let anything come of this .
3 And though he could not lift his eyes to the streetlights
4 As so often occurs in these situations , I had become blind to the obvious — that is , until my pondering over the implications of Miss Kenton 's letter finally opened my eyes to the simple truth : that these small errors of recent months have derived from nothing more sinister than a faulty staff plan .
5 I often thought her blindness was not entirely physical : she wanted finally to shut her eyes to the sorrows and miseries of the son she still adored , for she could not bear to see me suffering .
6 We can not shut our eyes to the fact that there are groups , very small numerically but extremely cohesive and tenacious , who have infiltrated the unions with the intention of seizing power if they can .
7 We can not close our eyes to the fact that if the arguments advanced on behalf of the appellant in relation to this ground of appeal are soundly based , then there is , not a small lacuna , but a yawning gap in the protection for the public afforded by section 16 of the Act of 1968 through which a large number of dishonest persons can — by arranging matters so that they come within the definition of ‘ self-employed ’ — escape conviction and punishment for the kind of deceitful conduct of which the jury , by their verdicts in the instant case , found this appellant to be guilty .
8 The government can no longer close its eyes to the health facts .
9 The little man 's hand shot out again and Caroline quickly raised her eyes to the ceiling .
10 They noticed that he kept his hands clasped inside the voluminous sleeves of his gown and rarely raised his eyes to the face of the governor or the senator .
11 She would explain the nature of her interest , so awakening in him a wish to know more about what goes on outside Masailand and also opening his eyes to the fact that the white folk see the Masai as childlike .
12 The Labour party now shuts its eyes to the two , three or four-person household , and it ignores the single pensioner living alone .
13 A person would only be liable as a constructive trustee of money he had received in payment of a commercial liability , and which had already passed through his hands , if it was possible to show that he knew that the money was misapplied trust money because he had actual knowledge of the breach of trust or he had wilfully shut his eyes to the obvious or had wilfully or recklessly failed to make inquiries that an honest and reasonable man would have made .
14 Having a strong personality , she had battled her way into the medical profession and convinced many doctors by demonstration that at the very least they could n't shut their eyes to the possibilities of her treatment .
15 Dalziel laughed but did n't turn his eyes to the speaker .
16 Thacker looked her up and down , then dropped his eyes to the floor .
17 Sighing , she lifted the dustbin lid and watched the brown china pieces slip from the shovel , then raised her eyes to the May sky .
18 She had not yet raised her eyes to the frescos ; she would do so in due course ; she found them almost unbearably painful to behold .
19 Describing London as ‘ a city of illusions , subject every now and then to a series of harsh awakenings ’ , The Echo ( 11 August 1898 ) believed that while some of the stones were undoubtedly exaggerated they nevertheless served a purpose : ‘ We steadily shut our eyes to the submerged lawlessness of less fortunate districts until a series of Whitechapel outrages , or Hooligan exploits , make us not only aware of what is going on , but actually afraid of our lives . ’
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