Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [art] better [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 What 's more , we 'll give families the economic and technical support they need to irrigate land , grow crops , raise livestock and so provide a better future for their children .
2 We hope some day that we shall have won all the battles , and then can relax and develop more of the social side of the retired member 's association , but until then we enjoy the friendship and satisfaction of working together to secure a better deal for the elderly everywhere , and remember that , hopefully , you will all be pensioners one day .
3 Because here you have an opportunity to go launch yourself onto a self employed erm platform and can not provide a better platform for that and I would say that would n't I he 's thinking .
4 But it 's a pity she did not have a better showcase for her talents .
5 ‘ And you will not get a better service for some long time to come , ’ he said on BBC radio .
6 Even in the first century A.D. the author of the Periplus maris Erythraei can not find a better accomplishment for a king of Ethiopia — to counterbalance his notorious greed for money — than his knowledge of Greek .
7 Relating levels of capital grants to handicap zones would also provide a better climate for conservation in the uplands .
8 With the greater buying power and distribution for many items , the franchisor can often get a better price for supplies than an individual shopkeeper could manage .
9 Hilary could n't have a better coach for GCE Maths . ’
10 These puppies are thriving in the warm environment , their owner says you could n't get a better start for young bird dogs .
11 If the Community is truly to mean a better life for the people of the United Kingdom and all the people of the Community — women as well as men , ethnic minorities as well as the white majority — then the EC 's future development can not simply be ‘ left to the market ’ .
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