Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] the [det] rate " in BNC.

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1 Norway is a particularly interesting example where they saw a rocketing rate of smoking amongst adolescents they introduced a smoking ban , er an an advertising ban , and in fact , it 's reversed and they , they 're youngsters are not smoking at the same rate as as they were .
2 By different processes erm but nevertheless receding at the same rate .
3 Many professionals within the Lloyd 's market welcome the current crop of departures as there is an excess of financial capacity within the market at a time when business is not growing at the same rate as the available capacity .
4 Operating system revenues were up $1.8m to $61.7m , though revenue growth has not increased at the same rate as unit volumes shipped because of volume discount schedules .
5 A spokesman for the Housing Executive said : ‘ While building costs have increased the tender price has not increased at the same rate .
6 As the hull value of 707s , 727s , DC-8s and their ilk falls , their support costs — engines , systems , airport facilities etc , is not decreasing at the same rate .
7 A girl who is very tall for her age may fear that she will go on growing at the same rate indefinitely , while a boy who is shorter than his mates of the same age may be afraid that he will be permanently undersized .
8 They were usually billed as the star attraction so John obviously made a good profit out of them but they were still paid at the same rate as all his juveniles , five shillings a week .
9 If the money supply is not also falling at the same rate , interest rates will fall and so encourage new investment .
10 Family credit will also rise by the same rate .
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