Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] a single [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the outside , the LSE II has all-wood decoration : contrasting rings of rosewood , walnut , maple and mahogany all gathered in a single band for the soundhole rosette and purflings of walnut , maple and rosewood running around the top edge .
2 She never uses the central heating system , only turns on a single bar of her electric fire for about half an hour and then off again for another half hour or so .
3 Even an estate worth upwards of £100 a year might well consist of no more than a couple of manors plus an assortment of lesser parcels , all located in a single county .
4 There is a similar departure from the notion of a fixed sequence of modes of production and their corresponding political and cultural forms in recent works which concentrate their attention upon specific types of political regime which do not necessarily fall within a single time span .
5 He said that the difficulty with the bubbles not joining up could be avoided if the bubbles were so big that our region of the universe is all contained inside a single bubble .
6 Total , or , elsewhere , global , history assumes a spatio-temporal continuity between all phenomena , and a certain homogeneity between them insofar as they all express the same form of historicity — Althusser 's essential section — whereas in general history the problem is precisely to determine the relation between different series : whereas a total history draws everything together according to a single principle , a general history analyses the space of dispersion and heterogeneous temporalities .
7 It was as if two distant times had suddenly met in a single second and two different women in a single gesture .
8 As the blades only meet at a single point when cutting , they retain their sharpness for a lifetime of use .
9 It is no longer possible to either create a toner particle small enough to stick to a single pixel of charge or to maintain that pixel of charge in isolation long enough for the toner , were it there , to stick .
10 Major , addressing the Welsh Conservative Party conference on June 14 , dismissed those " sulking on the fringe of talks about the destiny of Europe " and declared that " the British government and the British parliament would only move to a single currency if they took a further , separate and explicit decision to do so , not just when to do so but whether to do so at all " .
11 In decoration and linear format , this school appears to represent more of a native tradition ; whilst the former , apparently based upon a single workshop ( and its subsequent contraction ) appears to be organised more deliberately .
12 Each spring sees frog spawn followed by tiny frogs — a tremendous bonus , because my snail and slug problem has been greatly reduced without a single pellet !
13 Environmentalists , who have long campaigned for a single agency , have expressed their concern that the plans for the reform of the Inspectorate amount to little more than political opportunism and will have little real impact .
14 only agree of a single claim item subject to a satisfactory overall settlement : a skilled negotiator can pick off the strong points in a claim and attempt to buy them cheaply
15 If you have tried sprinkling it on breakfast cereal and weighed the quantity , you will have discovered that you get a large volume for a quarter of an ounce — just about as much as you can palatably add to a single portion of breakfast cereal , without beginning to think that you are eating a bowl of sawdust !
16 Very often , a one-to-one relationship can be better expressed as a single entity , with one of the entities forming attributes of the more significant entity .
17 Sometimes it is all held in a single incident .
18 Now I can not think of a single occasion over the years , my adulthood when I have been going to theatre arts events of any kind when I 've actually gone out and bought anything as a result of sponsorship of a programme I 've been looking at .
19 Isabel could not think of a single thing to say .
20 I could not think of a single thing that Quigley had ever done for me .
21 The Gallup survey , commissioned by the Daily Telegraph , also found that more than a third could not think of a single thing about Britain of which to be proud .
22 However , in Re Cadbury Schweppes Ltd 's Agreement [ 1975 ] 2 All ER 307 a parent company and a subsidiary were not treated as a single person where two companies agreed to accept restrictions on the supply of goods to a third which was a subsidiary of one of them .
23 The group of organisms — the flock of birds , the pack of wolves — does not merge into a single vehicle , precisely because the genes in the flock or the pack do not share a common method of leaving the present vehicle .
24 PEACE envoy Lord Owen warned last night that Bosnia-Herzegovina would not survive as a single state if Moslems and Croats continued fighting .
25 The administration itself is of course no monolith and does not act as a single bloc , pursuing its interests whatever they may be .
26 It would be odd if they did , since feminists , like philosophers , do not speak with a single voice .
27 It does not just consist of a single transition from to for each rotational level ; it includes lots of lines due to transitions with , where J is the general rotational quantum number .
28 Small areas are best paved in a single colour using a simple design to avoid being over fussy .
29 Zimbabwe 's economy is not based on a single commodity like Zambia 's and it did not experience the mass exodus of whites and ‘ scorched earth ’ policies of the Portuguese in Mozambique and Angola .
30 Unlike realism , liberal pluralism is not based on a single set of ideas developed over time , but embraces a variety of approaches .
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