Example sentences of "[pron] was [adv] old enough [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I was just old enough to become crazy about cowboy films , but even handsome Buck Jones could n't make me like Auntie Julie any better .
2 On my sixteenth birthday I walked into the house with a fag in every orifice ; I was legally old enough to smoke , so , I thought , just try and stop me !
3 Not that she was n't old enough — she was well old enough to have seen a family through university .
4 Even thirty years later , when she was quite old enough to know it was n't her fault , that a house did n't burn down because a girl threw a skull into a horse pond , she still cried in much the same way when she thought of it .
5 Their only joy came from Moira , who was just old enough to appreciate Christmas , and from the visits of Bridie 's children and Theresa 's two little ones .
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