Example sentences of "[pron] had to stand [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So I had to stand outside the door
2 I had to stand in the middle of this studio , the floor strewn with these bones and meat , and play guitar .
3 He explained she had to stand in the wings directing the beam of a torch at a strategically placed mirror which would send a reflection of light dancing across the back-cloth of Never-Never Land .
4 Senator McGowan 's chief concern was for ‘ the poor people of Fintown who had to stand beside the sod ditch ’ and whose future was now being jeopardised by people who ‘ wanted to get on the bandwagon ’ , but he complimented Councillor McCaffrey ‘ if he has shares ’ , though he said he had none himself .
5 The same thing always happened to him at school if he was brought out to the front of the hall for talking in assembly , or if he had to stand in the aisle with his hands on his head for not paying attention in class .
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