Example sentences of "[pron] had [vb pp] [prep] the previous " in BNC.

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1 Movement from the centralities of ‘ real polising ’ in uniform , via the CID , into the marginal fringes of an extended period of drug squad work , had a profound influence on the absolute tenets of policing I had absorbed over the previous decade .
2 What sins , what meannesses , what grave errors I had committed in the previous ten years had been forgiven me .
3 The hostilities which had followed upon the previous confiscations of 1294 and 1324 had not been long-lasting .
4 Formalizing a consensus which had emerged in the previous month [ see p. 38937 ] , the foreign ministers of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) , meeting in Oslo , Norway , on June 4 , reached agreement on the alliance 's future role in international peacekeeping operations , notably in support of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) .
5 The county town had a large , vigorous WEA branch with an impressive record of activity which had extended throughout the previous decade .
6 I had to stand on tiptoe to reach the brass knocker , which had appeared since the previous day .
7 The confrontation was symbolic of the accelerating polarization which had occurred over the previous five years , with the Popular Front calling for a determined re-application of the policies of 1931–3 and the right for radical constitutional revision .
8 Strike committees in Byelorussia decided to resume on May 22 the general strike which had gripped the republic in April [ see pp. 38129-30 ] , because a session of the republic 's Supreme Soviet which had opened on the previous day was still refusing to put on its agenda demands for a coalition government .
9 The councillors were drawn heavily from people who had served on the previous local authorities : and most of the public remained ignorant and apathetic towards local government ( Rhodes 1972:420 — 1 ) .
10 Given the ineffectiveness of the police and indecisive action by the Army , Iliescu called for the establishment of a specially-trained national guard , at the same time banning the Committee for the Democratization of the Army , a group of young , reform-minded officers who wanted their leaders who had served under the previous Ceausescu regime ousted [ see p. 37252 ] .
11 At any rate , so far as Zuwaya are concerned , it was those men who were fifty to sixty years old in 1979 who had created in the previous three decades the marked differences in wealth which did exist .
12 The ones who had worked on the previous Hayling dummy , including photographer Tom Picton and his daughter Zoe , had good reason to fear that Sutton , given a free hand , would get rid of them .
13 They were no less repugnant to tens of thousands of men who had fought in the previous war , as they would have been to tens of thousands more who died in it .
14 A Slovak without party affiliation , Ehrenberger replaced Theodor Petrik , who had resigned on the previous day .
15 Those in Norfolk , Northamptonshire and Suffolk were to remain but the tutors in Bedfordshire and the Cambridgeshire area were to be withdrawn and there was to be no replacement for the one in Essex who had resigned in the previous year .
16 Edward Boyle , who had resigned from the previous Government over its management of the Suez crisis , became his Parliamentary Secretary .
17 We had met on the previous Wednesday , to discuss business matters .
18 The big man , whom we had spoken to the previous evening , sat on the bench in the bow , sucking deeply on his seisha .
19 Early on , she demanded from each member a list of the people they had consulted during the previous three months .
20 The group sessions , which ran for 90 minutes each week , opened with the clients discussing what they had eaten during the previous week .
21 In the spring parliament of 1340 the commons offered a grant of tax subject to conditions which now went much further than the concessions they had sought in the previous year and which were reminiscent of the concerns of the Ordainers in 1310–11 .
22 Following the August legislative and presidential elections [ see p. 39064 ] , the new Croatian government was sworn in on Sept. 8 ; seven ministers and one deputy prime minister retained the posts they had held in the previous government .
23 Their initiative was thought to have been in response to an open letter published on Jan. 15 under the signatures of three former Presidents , the Archbishop of Bogotá , and the leader of the left-wing Patriotic Union Party ( UP ) , which had offered them the prospect of " society 's support … for less rigorous treatment " by the government if they released the estimated dozens of hostages they had seized over the previous two months and stopped drug trafficking .
24 Power was slipping into the hands of important feudal vassals , and men like the rulers of Hyderabad in the south and of Bengal in the east were emerging with much more power than they had enjoyed in the previous half-century .
25 Half-a-dozen old retainers acted as anchor-men in the positions they had had in the previous cabinet .
26 These were the number accidents the driver reported having being involved in over the past five years and the number of near misses they had experienced in the previous year .
27 The Chief Officer needed to contribute to this work and to help the Council maintain the influence in higher education it had developed in the previous six years , and to develop public awareness of the Council 's aims and activities .
28 These more loyal long service employees had an intuitive feeling that the division would ultimately go out of business in the UK if it continued to operate in the way it had behaved over the previous ten years .
29 Everything that he had written during the previous four years on the overriding need to oppose fascism , on the need to defend nation states through the creation of a Strong system of alliances based on collective security , and on the central role of the Soviet Union in promoting peace and stability , all was reduced to the level of absurdity by the Nazi-Soviet pact , the invasion of Poland and subsequently the war in Finland .
30 From a free-kick on the left , Gannon swung the ball deep and Morris , not as heavy as he had appeared from the previous half-hour , made the game safe with a soaring header .
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