Example sentences of "[pron] they saw [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When they had heard the king , they departed ; and lo , the star , which they saw in the east , went before them , till it came and stood over where the young child was .
2 What they saw at the end fundamentally shocked his system .
3 Greenpeace and others also publicized what they saw as the insanity of dumping radioactive material on the sea-bed where it could readily enter the human food chain through fish or other marine organisms .
4 Much of their concern centred on what they saw as the imposition from above of particular versions of ‘ good primary practice ’ and the relationship between teachers ' allegiance to these and their career prospects .
5 The overwhelming desire of the Chris Pattens and Sarah Hoggs and Michael Heseltines was to get away from what they saw as the incubus of Mrs Thatcher .
6 The life-style , the communes , the language , the dress , the hair-styles and blue-tinted glasses of the men ( and women ) of the 1860s were designed to distance them from what they saw as the hypocrisy of conventional society .
7 for example , in 1986 , when that group of conservatives who called themselves the Hillgate Group published their pamphlet Whose Schools ? , they set out such fears , and many others , about what they saw as the direction of educational policy in schools .
8 This is not to say that they opposed coalition in 1922 merely from personal motives ; they had a legitimate ambition to serve their country and resented what they saw as the promotion of less able Liberals .
9 They went to town on the story , piled up what they saw as the evidence against my father until everyone , it seemed , thought he was guilty . ’
10 They protested that the labelling of SM as fascist trivialized the real fight against fascism , and condemned what they saw as the policing of sexual identity by LASM .
11 They were saddened by what they saw as the betrayal of the Labour Party by its leader Ramsay MacDonald , who had joined the National Government .
12 It can be seen as another outburst of dissatisfaction about the direction taken by the Cultural Revolution and the failure to eliminate what they saw as the rise of a ‘ Soviet Union type of privileged class ’ ( Brodsgaard 1981 : 753 ) .
13 First , they attacked what they saw as the belles-lettrist and philological establishment within the discipline .
14 The musicians involved in punk were also intensely wary of what they saw as the control exercised over popular music by the major record companies .
15 The sources from which the children could find information enabling them to make fullest use of the church study were not confined to what they saw in the booklet nor what they could see and think out for themselves ; a number of people , both inside and outside the school , were enthusiastic and available for consultation .
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