Example sentences of "[pron] glanced [adv prt] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I glanced up at the sky , ‘ It 's going to be light pretty soon . ’
2 As I eased down I glanced over at the clock ; it read 10.01 .
3 I glanced down at the kitchen .
4 I glanced down at the limb I was illustratively wiggling , only to find an involuntary erection making my trousers stick out like an accusing finger .
5 I glanced down at the lissom length of her spine .
6 She glanced around at the house , she would lose her home ; entailed as it was it would pass to the next male heir of the family .
7 She glanced around at the audience who were appearing in twos and threes .
8 She glanced up at the girl standing before her and shook her head .
9 The muffled jangle of the bell disturbed her reverie , and she glanced up at the clock — it lacked a few minutes to three — her visitor was punctual as usual .
10 She glanced up at the clock on the wall opposite .
11 She glanced up at the clock .
12 Outside again she glanced up at the sky which was a pale shade of blue .
13 She glanced up at the ceiling once , as if in appreciation of the solution to a tough puzzle that she 'd been unable to crack without help ; the tile was still stuck in the open position , and Charlie was in no state to clamber up there and fix it .
14 She glanced up at the house .
15 Then turning her head , she glanced up at the sergeant , and with definite bitterness in her voice , said , ‘ I 'll never do that again .
16 Her mind still racing , she glanced down at the map on the passenger seat and then headed towards the road that would take her to Mountpelier Lodge .
17 She glanced down at the ring now , and found herself wondering , as she did occasionally , if it really was necessary for her to go on wearing it .
18 She glanced down at the landing and the dizziness swept up to meet her .
19 She glanced down at the linoleum in despair .
20 She glanced back at the man sitting across the table .
21 Ensconced in his car a moment later — and goodness , it felt luxurious ! — she glanced back at the foyer and saw that the other girl stood there staring with narrowed , suspicious eyes .
22 As she reached them she glanced back at the hire car , knowing that she could n't leave it there for long .
23 She glanced back at the discod .
24 She glanced back at the house .
25 He glanced up at the sky and remarked : ‘ There 's nowhere to go at this time of night ’ , at which I said that I would be going home , and moved off to the right .
26 He glanced up at the sky .
27 He glanced up at the spy-hole and grinned .
28 He glanced up at the mantel clock , then across at Mrs Burger .
29 He glanced over at the windspeed indicator .
30 He glanced over at the mirror every time she came near , longing to speak , and he drank in her loveliness like a man who has crossed a barren desert .
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