Example sentences of "[pron] lived [prep] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Without turning round he said in a harsh voice : ‘ If you want to know about Inez , Mr Wycliffe , you must ask Sara , the two of them lived in the same house for nearly twelve years .
2 I lived in the same house as him once .
3 Sommerville , of Redburn , Bonhill , Dunbartonshire , admitted stabbing and murdering Mr Friel , who lived on the same estate , in the local shopping centre on 30 October last .
4 Several families who lived in the same settlement decided to leave as a result of her behaviour , and others insisted that they would never go to live in the same place as her .
5 True , both the English and the Latin forms indicate he lived by the ash tree , but did they merely permit the taxatores to avoid confusing him with all the other Johns who lived in the same village ?
6 A teenager who lived in the same address returned and tried to call police after hearing the voice of the lodger and the man , said Charles Kellett , prosecuting .
7 This perhaps was a feature of the Forest of Dean , where four holdings out of five could have been occupied by their owners ( who lived in the same townships ) and many belonged to men worth less than £2 .
8 We lived in the same street .
9 They lived in the same apartment block and often dined together , creating unfounded rumours that they were having an affair .
10 Samuel was the more prolific pamphleteer , but according to Edwards , mother and son collaborated closely , ‘ the one inditing and the other writing ’ , and they lived in the same house at least until the end of 1652 .
11 If challenged to justify why blacks are struck from the jury , prosecutors offer the most ridiculous reasons — ‘ he looked dumb ’ , ‘ he lived in the same part of town as the defendant ’ ( most blacks live in the same part of town ) , ‘ he was a mason and I was worried about masonic links ’ ( the prospective juror was a stone mason by profession ) .
12 He lived in the same house near Henley on Thames from 1935 , and remained inspired by English country scenes , like St Matthews near Lechlade and classic buildings like the Oxford buildings ensuring that his links with this region remain strong .
13 He lived in the same house near Henley on Thames from 1935 , and remained inspired by English country scenes , like St Matthews near Lechlade and classic buildings like the Oxford buildings ensuring that his links with this region remain strong .
14 Huss is remembered by a street named after him ( the Hussenstrasse ) and by his effigy on the house where he lived in the same street .
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