Example sentences of "[pron] continued [to-vb] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Staffing ratios were generally better in grammar schools than elsewhere , and even the Burnham system favoured ( as it was meant to do ) schools with a larger proportion of older pupils , especially if they were in those sixth forms which continued to stand at the peak of a meritocratic secondary system .
2 She continued to stand at the edge of the plateau .
3 In fact , everybody seemed to be busy finding some job to help with the war effort , except Mum who continued to clean at the Gingold 's chip shop .
4 As we continued to stare at the sea , racking our brains about how to go for a swim without a costume , our thoughts were answered by a voice from just behind us .
5 We continued to stare at the corner of the field for some time , expecting to see some movement .
6 As the teacher put the collar on Sherman he continued to point at the picture and bark very loudly .
7 He continued to stare at the ground as she added , ‘ I 'm just wondering who might have had a motive for killing him . ’
8 But it continued to trade at a loss and in November 1987 the Society implemented one of PW 's original recommendations by calling in its loan .
9 The two of them continued to stare at the group .
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