Example sentences of "[pron] less than [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A nationalist government commanding the support of 37 of the 75 deputies in the Basque parliament ( i.e. one less than an absolute majority ) was finally formed on Jan. 22 .
2 Carlos Alberto Reutemann , that cunning , solitary ace from Argentina , worried about his racing twenty-four hours a day ; James seemed to give it scarcely a thought — technically , as a contributor to development he was something less than a devoted genius ( but on the track he had extraordinarily good reflexes and a lot of savvy ) .
3 She reflected upon , perhaps only now fully remembered , her sense , in forgiving Jack , of in some way devaluing him , accepting him and loving him as something less than the perfect being she had married .
4 But we can now see that the apocalyptic interpretation of history emerged from the confrontation with the Greeks about 165 B.C. If II Maccabees reveals a true aspect of the activities of Antiochus IV by stressing the cooperation of Hellenizing Jews , this is something less than the whole truth .
5 ‘ Structural causality ’ , on this view , is something less than the rigorous determination of a specific effect ; instead , it is conceived as the production of conditions and constraints within which diverse , but not unlimited , alternative courses of political action and development are possible .
6 But a head must in the end tolerate something less than the hoped-for whole being achieved .
7 ‘ He will also call for nothing less than a parallel system with equal legal status under which those who can not accept women priests will be able to continue with bishops of like mind . ’
8 It involved nothing less than a new paradigm and a new approach to the relationship of theory and practice in educational management " ( Hughes et al.
9 Irigaray goes further , exalting the metaphor of homosexuality as a kind of anti-difference into nothing less than a far-reaching theory of patriarchal society .
10 If at first he had thought it would be sufficient simply to eliminate various shortcomings in Soviet life , Gorbachev explained , he was now in no doubt that nothing less than a radical reconstruction of the whole of society was necessary .
11 Their dream was nothing less than a revolutionary project to bring computers and ordinary people together .
12 They had stumbled in upon what was quite clearly nothing less than a pagan sacrifice .
13 That very same evening he appeared on the bandstand in Woodford Square and gave his first speech under the auspices of the P.E.M. The speech turned out to be nothing less than a vitriolic attack on the Commission , which he portrayed as an organisation run by ‘ hide- bound conservatives in the British Colonial service ’ .
14 Hughes aims to provide nothing less than a complete account of Shakespeare 's mythological base , the ‘ DNA , as it were , of his poetic organism ’ .
15 For the term indicates nothing less than a complete questioning of the traditional role of local government .
16 I think it will be nothing less than a public scandal if the Queen takes the salute aboard the Royal Yacht far out to sea , as currently planned , without meeting at least some of these forgotten heroes in person .
17 He postulates that IBM could create different classes of shares whose dividends would reflect performance of relatively healthy businesses such as the AS/400 and RS/6000 , and possibly AdStar storage products , but many observers now believe that nothing less than a full break-up of the company would enable the better bits to prosper and restore shareholder value .
18 ‘ We 're two up in the Texaco and nothing less than a 5-0 whitewash will satisfy me .
19 Even the formulation of a dualistic class division , Laclau and Mouffe have argued persuasively , is itself nothing less than a nostalgic attempt to recreate for the nineteenth century the imagined simplicity of the conditions of the aristocracy/bourgeoisie conflict of the French Revolution which had originally inspired Hegel .
20 Lord Hailsham carefully unpicked the shreds of legitimacy attaching to the established constitution and called for " nothing less than a written constitution for the United Kingdom , and by that I mean one which limits the powers of Parliament and-provides a means of enforcing those limitations both by political and by legal means " .
21 He described Windows NT as representing ‘ nothing less than a fundamental change in the way all companies can address their business requirements .
22 He described Windows NT as representing ‘ nothing less than a fundamental change in the way all companies can address their business requirements .
23 It is nothing less than a national scandal that such despicable practices can take place in 1894 ! ’
24 Miss Marple is , in fact ( quiet-mannered village pussy though she was ) , an example of nothing less than the Great Detective .
25 After Pentecost , they became assured that their experience of God 's activity in their midst and in their mission was nothing less than the continued work and presence of Jesus among them .
26 Even then there were some books for which not even the critical number was enough , and nothing less than the whole text had to be sampled to determine its average readability .
27 What gives this discussion an additional interest , though , is that it is incorporated into an ambitious overarching historical schema , which aims to ‘ explain' nothing less than the whole development of world music .
28 Christian presuppositions are nothing less than the whole truth of who God is and what he has done for us .
29 Perelandra is the most ambitious of the outer-space stories , and the one with the most single-minded theological aim : nothing less than an imagined temptation-scene between Satan and Eve in which she does not succumb .
30 A conducted tour of the house by the whole family , brought him at last to the top floor where his bedroom was proudly displayed , which , though huge and filled with awesome furniture of hideous elaboration , impressed him less than the meticulous care with which his soldier servant — batman was apparently a naughty word in the Guards — had unpacked his belongings and laid all essentials neatly in the right places .
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