Example sentences of "[pron] wanted [pers pn] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted him in the first place , ’ said Graham , ‘ but the management had already cast Cy Grant .
2 I said I wanted it for an amateur production of James Saunders A Scent of Flowers — a play I knew well and which required a coffin to be positioned downstage during the entire action .
3 I 'm explaining why I wanted it on a regular arrangement so that I would n't have to be annoying you when you 're … well , when you 've had a drink I suppose . ’
4 they wanted me for the whole day of Friday but I said I 'm sorry I can only do you half day if you 're interested , they were , they were desperate .
5 In Peart , the more authoritative case , the accused received a car from the victim when he had told him he wanted it for a certain journey .
6 Her husband might want justice , but he wanted it through the proper channels .
7 The blue eyes regarded the world with the slightly cynical assurance of a man accustomed to getting what he wanted when he wanted it by the simplest of expedients , that of paying for it .
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