Example sentences of "[pron] saw as [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My periods , which had always been topsy-turvy and which I saw as a real indicator of health and wellbeing , settled into a reliable pattern .
2 I had been what I saw as a stop-gap anchor-man for Report , the teatime news programme , for less than eighteen months .
3 She also felt that age 6 was too early to make what she saw as a drastic decision — once out of mainstream education she felt he would be unlikely to get back .
4 She discussed in this context who she saw as the twentieth century 's two most influential analysts of theatre : Brecht and Antonin Artaud .
5 It was what she saw as the excessive time and attention given to the ‘ South Bank ’ theologians which she objected to most strongly , feeling that it would only be a matter of time before the Governors took action to alter the position .
6 Western liberals and the Left once again found their credulity stretched in defence of the one state which most of them saw as the only bulwark against Nazi Germany .
7 The regular , monotonous monastic discipline gave the monks a peace and equanimity which they saw as a tranquil experience of God which was fully in tune with their normal lives .
8 It was less than a year since he had marched into this office , having forsaken the job of Director General of the Security Service for what he regarded as a promotion , while the men of Century recoiled at what they saw as a political insult .
9 They had wanted an updating of canon law , a reassertion of control over Church organizations , the declaration of Mary 's Assumption ( perhaps as a sop to the pope ) , and a firm condemnation of nascent ecumenism and what they saw as a new outbreak of modernism .
10 The Kiev Rada , panic-stricken at what they saw as a Russian invasion , summoned the German army to defend their power by taking over the western Ukraine and its grain resources .
11 The Die-hards were opposed to the rise of a socialist Labour party and militant trade unionism , which they saw as a revolutionary threat to property and the stability of British society .
12 They looked along the Atlantic coast of North America for places in which to settle , and they might have been more successful in founding colonies if they had not at the same time been engaged in what they saw as a desperate struggle to save their religious and political liberties from Catholic Spain , although the Spanish would have said the war was to some extent intended to check the rather aggressive interpretation the English placed on the idea of the freedom of the seas .
13 She goes every evening to the post , ’ and they began to laugh again at what they saw as a mocking mirror of their own flowering .
14 Atlanticists attacked what they saw as a false parallelism in de Gaulle 's treatment of the two superpowers .
15 In 1811 the Luddites rioted and destroyed the textile machinery which they saw as a direct threat to their jobs .
16 The two opposition members of parliament were firmly opposed to what they saw as a further extension of government power .
17 In the end they were committed , as he was , to the preservation of a Protestant Ulster , to the suppression of what they saw as a republican rebellion , and to the restoration of majority rule in Northern Ireland .
18 Certainly the fifties was remarkable for the self-assuredness with which writers defended what they saw as a fresh start for English literature , and for the equally unanimous revision this view underwent not ten years later .
19 Often they had not told anyone about what they saw as a trivial event , but had buried their feelings of embarrassment and fear until they resurfaced in the shape of an obsession .
20 Social liberals , like Booth and Rowntree , and Fabians , like Sydney and Beatrice Webb , may have differed in their views on the extent and the permanence of the provision of state welfare that they advocated , but shared an interest in what they saw as the factual demonstration of the extent of poverty which existed in what was still regarded as the major industrial and political power .
21 Puritan polemicists frequently scoffed at what they saw as the uninformed nature of this mainstream spirituality .
22 However , they felt frustrated by teaching in a comprehensive school rather than a selective school and by what they saw as the poor quality of the pupils .
23 Thus Attoh Ahuma ( who was also known as a clergyman , the Revd S.R.B. Solomon ) joined with another local churchman , the Revd Eggijir Assam , to launch the Gold Coast Aborigine , in which they promised to redress what they saw as the colonial imbalance in the education of local Africans :
24 These , rather than private insurance or public ‘ welfare ’ , they saw as the real key to diminishing poverty .
25 Strong trade unions , especially in the public sector , had successfully resisted attacks on the Welfare State in the past , and so needed to be defeated if the Tories ’ solution to what they saw as the major problem — inflation — were to be successful .
26 Both Christabel Pankhurst and Swiney used medical authorities and statistics instrumentally to win specific arguments , while distancing themselves from what they saw as the corrupt power of male professionals .
27 Herr Kohl acknowledged that the far Right was gaining support from people opposed to the EC 's Maastricht agreement , which they saw as an anti-nationalist pact to give up the Deutschemark .
28 President Reagan came to power with greater hostility for the Soviets than any of his predecessors , and he quickly reached an understanding with Israel concerning those it saw as the Soviet Union 's regional proxies , Syria and the PLO .
29 The government of the majority Russian- and Ukrainian-populated " Soviet Socialist Dnestr Republic " was unhappy at what it saw as the Moldovan government 's policy of drawing closer to Romania and imposing Romanian culture and language on the whole republic .
30 In 1930 the moral majority ( not that it knew itself by that name in those days ) hit back against what it saw as the growing licentiousness and depravity of the movie industry and introduced a production code that all film producers would be required to adhere to .
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