Example sentences of "[pron] sort [prep] [verb] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 No no I , I do n't know , I sort of thought something might 've happened .
2 While I had been in there there 'd been a day or two of beautiful weather which we did n't know much about inside , although there was one big window where we used to go and sit and have a smoke — the ones who were getting better — and you could see a big tree from there , so you sort of felt it must be nice outside , and the people who came in from outside were n't so muffled up .
3 In the " fishing question " we hang out the bait and do not know what sort of answer we will get ( for example : " What media approach could we use here ? " )
4 She glanced at him in quick surprise , wondering what sort of favour he could possibly have in mind .
5 But if the electorate is indeed of a mind that it is ‘ time for a change ’ , then it should consider carefully just what sort of change it would be letting itself in for .
6 Depends tha I do n't know what sort of draw you can put on that pump here .
7 And if she left it , God alone knew what sort of mess there would be in the morning .
8 And now last comes my brave boy , my pet , dear Will , the one we are anxious about … what sort of man you shall be .
9 But when he spoke it was not of her but of Peach , how to feed him , what sort of supplements he should have , that although he had had his routine immunizations , he must have a booster at a year old and also an injection against a new sort of feline virus .
10 But since this is sometimes exceedingly difficult , he would be unwise to say exactly what sort of traces they should be ; for he would then be vulnerable to the criticism that in some capitalist formations these are simply not to be found .
11 Nor had the Liberals said clearly what sort of reform they would impose on the House of Lords , and the reform that was passed in 1911 left a serious constitutional problem .
12 The two of you — and your lawyers — will look at your financial position , at your wife 's , at how long you 've been married , whether or not she 's working ( and if she is n't , what sort of work she 'll be able to find ) and eventually come up with a sum which is supposed to be fair to both of you .
13 When they buy fittings they buy them mainly for their shape or colour or looks , but neglect to find out what sort of light they will give .
14 Tulu admitted : ‘ I knew what sort of race it would be .
15 He felt it would soon be the moment to make a move , and her behaviour left him in little doubt as to what sort of move it should be .
16 So although agencies can now see what sort of approach they should be making in women 's development policy , and are looking at their lives in their entirety — not just as baby machines , the agencies are restricted by the IMF and World Bank conditions in what they can do .
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