Example sentences of "[pron] can [adv] [be] argued [that] " in BNC.

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1 It can thus be argued that Russia and Prussia have in the eighteenth century a very important and interesting administrative history but little real political , still less constitutional , history .
2 Capetian claims to jurisdiction were therefore certainly experienced in Béarn and Bigorre after 1285 , but it can not be argued that either Gaston VII or Roger-Bernard III were willing instruments of French royal sovereignty .
3 Despite these strategies , applied in both depressed and prosperous Britain , it can not be argued that there is or ever has been a clearly defined national population-distribution policy in the UK .
4 For example , it can not be argued that poor women resorted to abortion because doctors withheld information about other birth control methods .
5 Will my hon. Friend further agree , on that important issue , that it can not be argued that there are no precedents of statutory instruments being subject to amendment ?
6 Fraud appears to have increased rather than decreased , and it can not be argued that this is merely a matter of greater success in detection , as many of the frauds only come to light when investors find that they are unable to obtain their funds ( or the directors of the institution are found to be in sunny climes abroad , with little intention of returning to the UK ) .
7 In company law it can equally be argued that by casting trustee-like duties on directors so that they are required to act only in the interests of the shareholders the law aims to ensure that the will of the shareholders is implemented .
8 It can also be argued that the economists ' justification for aid has never been its real rationale , but that political considerations of strategic security by the donors have conditioned its distribution and nature , in some cases even allowing military support to be classified as aid .
9 It can also be argued that there are many references in the Old Testament to conditions that may well have been syphilis .
10 It can also be argued that the error present in this data , given its crudity , would swamp any of the other data .
11 It can also be argued that other candidates for possible exclusion are those who are unfit for work for one reason or another .
12 Here one may note that while , eventually , it was France who not only defined Vietnam but also the character of Vietnamese resistance , it can also be argued that in the impact of the first two revolutionary events of the 2Oth century experienced in Vietnam , the inspiration came from Asia itself .
13 It can also be argued that all pension and retirement benefits schemes should be fully subject to sex discrimination law .
14 From a different perspective it can also be argued that it is right and proper that , for example , the Mandarins of the civil service should have power , because , after all , they have the expertise and knowledge in government matters .
15 However , it can also be argued that the ‘ bullion famine ’ did not have such a catastrophic effect because merchants could use credit instead of cash to keep their businesses running .
16 But it can also be argued that the employer 's influence is small , compared with the influence exercised by individuals ' education , occupation , and political affiliation , all of which are matters decided outside of employment .
17 In fact it can well be argued that basically there are only two concepts — rocks and time — with the rest just an obfuscation of the nomenclature .
18 This would be particularly relevant in a management buy-out where it can easily be argued that management has as much knowledge of the business as the vendor .
19 It is not a term without some disadvantages , since it can justifiably be argued that the term ‘ handicapped ’ may have some negative overtones .
20 It can even be argued that ‘ overall objectives ’ are inappropriate in ‘ practical politics ’ ( Haynes 1980 : 100 ) .
21 It can therefore be argued that , serious as the offence usually is , a policy of non-custodial treatment might be preferable in view of the effects on child victims .
22 It can therefore be argued that the virtuous conduct of which mankind is capable can be regarded as varying from individual to individual by quantity only .
23 It can therefore be argued that biological differences become biological inequalities only to the extent that they are defined as such .
24 It can therefore be argued that not only do social services not pull labour out of the manufacturing sector , but also if they are not expanded the redundant labour from the manufacturing sector simply remains unused and joins the existing long-term reserve army of labour .
25 It can indeed be argued that the strict Calvinists who controlled England during this period were attempting by such means to bring about a cultural revolution ( see Chapter 5 ) .
26 It can indeed be argued that this has always been so , in pre-market as in market conditions .
27 It can sometimes be argued that the child 's interests will be served by allowing a parent or another party to the proceedings further time to prepare for a hearing but this will depend very much on the circumstances of the case .
28 But it can hardly be argued that either carbonate or coal measure deposition is going on around the world today in anything like the way it has in the past .
29 Thus it can hardly be argued that the LEA had not taken steps to facilitate improvements in the school .
30 In this way it can perhaps be argued that the underlying rationale for the existence of the Eurocurrency market has been somewhat undermined , hence the classification by the BIS statistics to encompass the whole International Banking Market , of which the Euromarket is a part .
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