Example sentences of "[pron] have [vb pp] [prep] [art] past " in BNC.

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1 Many farms I have visited over the past 10 years have needed little more than a re-organisation of their existing system and some basic drainage alterations .
2 I must take this opportunity to say a personal thank you to each and everyone of you for your kind support and all the good wishes that I have received during the past six months .
3 People can see what I have done in the past 16 months and can form their own opinions about whether I have made the right judgments for the future of this country . ’
4 If at any stage in the discussions on Monday , or in all the other discussions that I have attended in the past two years , it had been a question of majority vote , there would have been much less agreement , and to the extent that decisions had been imposed by a majority , they would have been much less effective .
5 I ca n't believe how far I have come in the past couple of years .
6 I have been very pleased with my performance , with my success and the achievements which I have enjoyed over the past 20 years .
7 All I know is what I have known for the past two years : there is no reason at all for the blindness .
8 The historian-punter would be sitting in bonds ( which have rallied in the past few months ) waiting patiently to switch back to equities , starting cautiously in the middle of this year , and so to ride the bull market of the mid-1990s .
9 A cross-section of definitions , which have appeared over the past twenty years or so , is as follows .
10 Having explored some of the causes of change and identified the areas which will continue to be debated for the next decade , it is perhaps appropriate to try to identify the developments which have occurred in the past 30 years .
11 Colleagues , while we 're standing , can I remind you of a number of colleagues of ours who have died in the past year George , national office Dick from Scotland of South Western region Lord from Southern region Julie from Southern region William from national office from Northern region from Birmingham Harry , London regional secretary Grace from London region from Yorkshire region and many many others not mentioned here that have given their energy and their commitment on behalf of the G M B members , we remember them all
12 His successors , who have presided over the past year 's changes , hoped they too could massage their way to keeping power .
13 You have seen in the past operations around the world dropping relief supplies etc .
14 I am writing in reply to all the letters you have printed over the past few months about Steffi Graf .
15 If you get the occasional bout of nettle rash for no obvious reason , or even red itchy patches , which fade within a few hours , suspect a food allergy , you have eaten in the past day .
16 LIST what activities you have used in the past two sessions .
17 I am confident , however , that with the level of commitment you have shown in the past year , WEC will continue to develop successfully in all its markets .
18 Think of a situation , event or physical symptom you have experienced in the past few days .
19 We have heard throughout the past year from one Labour Member after another about how their areas of spending have a high priority .
20 We have heard in the past week of places where there is no peace ; in Iraq , in South Africa , in our own country with sectarian killings in Ulster , and on the borders of Israel and the Lebanon .
21 Sadly , a whole generation of political leaders — and even some of their successors today , if what we have heard in the past two days is right — have failed to face up to that fact .
22 ‘ What we have done over the past two years is to improve on our ability to retain the ball in contact , to drive very successfully as units ( as the All Blacks found to their cost in Lille ) and to deep those drives going .
23 What we shall do , as we have done over the past three years , is to ensure that poorer pensioners — those who have not benefited from the result of our general policies towards pensioners which have increased pensioners ' real living standards by over 34 per cent .
24 What we have witnessed over the past decade is the emergence of a whole host of competing and conflicting forms of local politics — different places have begun , in political terms , to behave very differently and British politics is now characterized by diversity rather than homogeneity .
25 Does the right hon. Gentleman really believe that if politicians in Northern Ireland had been sitting at a table , the awful atrocities that we have witnessed in the past few days would not have taken place ?
26 The question is whether we protect those young people from the recognition of the information that we have accumulated in the past two or three decades .
27 We have created in the past decade English Heritage and the National Heritage Memorial Fund to give greater focus and drive to the Government 's policies .
28 THE EXCITING new astronomical knowledge we have gained over the past decade has come largely from satellites .
29 That is why it will try to con the public that it will not repeal most of the trade union reforms that we have made in the past 12 years .
30 That shows the progress that we have made in the past 12 years in taking education and training forward .
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