Example sentences of "[pron] can [adv] [be] assume that " in BNC.

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1 It ca n't be assumed that they will just learn and pick things up as they go along .
2 Furthermore it can not be assumed that all RDS information will be received accurately at all times .
3 Most important , given that a rogue GMO in the environment might continue to reproduce and spread , it can not be assumed that any system of regulation can adequately guard against an environmental catastrophe .
4 Besides , the causes of some 60% of birth defects have yet to be discovered : it can not be assumed that all of them travel down only the female line .
5 Since any comprehensive peace implies a reduction of influence by , and local dependency on , the superpowers , it can not be assumed that either superpower has a strong interest in a genuine peace , unless it is able to derive greater advantage from peace than it can from continued conflict .
6 It is rather that the whole point of a national curriculum will be lost if it can not be assumed that children at 11 will be ready for whatever is the generally agreed content of the first year at secondary school .
7 It can not be assumed that women over 65 would have had an adequate screening history and therefore can be forgotten , or that there is no point in regular follow-up of older patients .
8 However , it is worth emphasising that the stages and the measures on which they are based are derived from a grammatical description and that , in the case of children with language difficulties , it can not be assumed that structurally based measures are predictive of functional skills ( Blank et al .
9 If a person intends doing someone harm , it can not be assumed that s/he displays a disdain towards humanity , although it is clearly directed towards the particular intended victim .
10 But even if that is held to be culpable ignorance , it can not be assumed that if the voters did know of those plans or intentions they approved of them .
11 It can not be assumed that in all cultures and historical epochs the expression of disparaging remarks about other peoples creates a bad impression .
12 Although the artefact may stand for a particular form of production , it can not be assumed that it will do so , or that the divisions which appear as significant from one perspective upon modern society will necessarily emerge as the major dimensions of differentiation in the object world .
13 However , the position taken by the Court of Appeal loses much of its force if it can not be assumed that the House would have taken non-certified points of appeal had they been raised .
14 But it can not be assumed that these developments have in fact led to equality within the sexual sphere of marriage .
15 Papers subsequently published by such researchers may show no obvious Scottish connection in their titles , but it can not be assumed that the work is unrelated to their thesis topic .
16 Papers subsequently published by such researchers may show no obvious Scottish connection in their titles , but it can not be assumed that the work is unrelated to their thesis topic .
17 It can not be assumed that symptoms are caused by disturbed gastric emptying .
18 While the benefits of faster growth may spread throughout the EC , it can not be assumed that this will occur in a balanced manner .
19 that it can not be assumed that a paper print out of an electronic record from these systems is the same as the electronic version , on the grounds that the paper version does not bring with it the context that gives the information provenance and credibility .
20 However , it can not be assumed that all managers will consider the role of personality when they make decisions .
21 It can therefore be assumed that the Soviet commanders are fully aware of the situation , if not totally in control of it .
22 In practice the question of the duration of the disability imposed by the springboard doctrine does not frequently arise because most cases concerning confidential information do not come to trial following the grant of an interlocutory injunction and it can therefore be assumed that either the parties settle the action or that interlocutory judgment is treated as final .
23 It can therefore be assumed that Miller 's message from this is that betrayal is wrong — it is the act of betrayal which finally destroys Eddie 's happiness forever .
24 ‘ While I respectfully agree that recommendations of a committee may not help much when there is a possibility that Parliament may have decided to do something different , where there is no such possibility , as where the draft Bill has been enacted without alteration , in my opinion it can safely be assumed that it was Parliament 's intention to do what the committee recommended and to achieve the object the committee had in mind .
25 In 1940 , Mannheim concluded : ’ Where unemployment and crime both stand at a high water mark , it can safely be assumed that the latter is largely due to the former . ’
26 How much of a threat this posed to those drapers who themselves furnished funerals is not recorded , but as none appear to have taken legal action , it can only be assumed that they too had dealings with these manufacturers whilst continuing to offer a funeral service to the general public .
27 Since this was also a period of great affluence , it can only be assumed that the wealthy customers who commissioned the Kamares cups — aristocrats and priestesses among them — could now afford cups of precious metal instead .
28 There was , of course , a diversity of tenures — so much so that it can never be assumed that the customs of any two manors were identical , or even similar , unless perhaps they formed part of the same feudal honour , for example the barony of Lewes in Sussex , which had evolved a set of common customs .
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