Example sentences of "[pron] would be [prep] the interests " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend is right to pinpoint the fact that it would be against the interests of British Airways and Rolls-Royce for politicians to second-guess the commercial decision making of private companies .
2 Section 142(2) provided that where a person had been convicted by the magistrates when he had pleaded not guilty or been convicted in his absence and it subsequently appeared that it would be in the interests of justice that the case be heard again by different justices the court might , subject to sub-section ( 4 ) so direct .
3 ‘ The first question to be decided by the court is whether on the undisputed or incontrovertible facts there appears to be a question deserving fuller investigation and whether it might reasonably be held on the substantive hearing that it would be in the interests of the child for a ‘ residence order ’ to be made .
4 Adopting that approach to the facts and circumstances of the present application I am satisfied that it raises a question deserving a fuller investigation , and , if that investigation were to favour [ the foster mother ] , that it might reasonably be held on the substantive hearing that it would be in the interests of the children ( or one or more of them ) for a ‘ residence order ’ to be made .
5 They have had no opportunity whatsoever to hear the nature of the point which is due to be considered by you in relation to these submissions , and I think that it would be in the interests of public understanding of this case were they enabled to hear .
6 On the first of the right hon. Gentleman 's three points — how many nuclear warheads we have — he knows that we have never indicated how many warheads there will actually be : I do not believe that it would be in the interests of our security for us to do so .
7 Clearly , those who drafted the Directive thought that normally it would be in the interests of the employee to transfer with the business .
8 Institutions could be granted charters or licences to confer their own awards but it would be in the interests of higher education if the C.N.A.A .
9 There is much to be said for the inclusion of a procedure for suspending with immediate effect a partner whose conduct has given ground for expulsion ( Clause 19.02 ) when the surrounding circumstances may not immediately indicate whether it would be in the interests of the firm that the power to expel should in fact be exercised .
10 A legally aided party who is successful in proceedings has a duty to claim costs if it would be in the interests of a paying client to do so in the same circumstances .
11 Erm secondly , it might reasonably be expected to demonstrate that it would be in the interests of either the region , regional or sub- regional economy .
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