Example sentences of "[pron] will [verb] [art] present [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But once all the barriers have been removed , Western Europe can expect a flood of footballers from the East which will make the present procession of Yugoslavs seem a mere trickle .
2 We will reverse the present Government 's encroachments on freedom of speech and association , such as the banning of trade unions at GCHQ .
3 We will reverse the present planning presumption in favour of opencast coal mining and give top priority to local people and their environment .
4 We will end the present Government 's policy of clawing back from local authorities amounts equivalent to those they receive from the European Community 's regional development fund .
5 It will replace the present tearoom , clearing the way for later development in the Palace .
6 ‘ All eyes are fixed on him [ Romana ] in the hope that he will overturn the present system . ’
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