Example sentences of "[pron] be left with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I am left with the impression that the author has updated his work reluctantly and some of his text is misleading .
2 Choir and instrumentalists are as responsive to Gardiner 's direction as we have come to expect of them but even so I am left with the feeling that the great sense of occasion generated by this music has only been realized in part .
3 I am left with the cup the idea of that ordinary physical object — or a proposition about the cup .
4 I 'm left with the fact that they knock me up in the middle of the night , turn my place over , give me a hard time , then just forget about it all .
5 I mean that 's why I 'm left with the cash , two hundred cash
6 Along with the bruises , I was left with the problem of what to do in the Grand Final , and eventually came up with the idea of a prop stool which would collapse at the touch of a button and jump up again on its own .
7 I was left with the option of forgetting it , or running with the idea myself . ’
8 Overall , though , I was left with the desire to dip my toes in the shallow end of home recording ; it looks fun as well as potentially rewarding .
9 Mr Hall has pared down the bebop style and you are left with the spirit , minus the meaningless displays of technique .
10 No prizes for guessing what happens to the net — and you are left with the task of extricating the hedgehog without damaging the net or wasting too much time .
11 If , on the other hand , having read this you 're left with the feeling ‘ so what ’ then let me leave you with the words of two teenagers who frequent similar established alcohol — free projects in England
12 A few minutes later , the Base Notes come through , and you 're left with the final , true fragrance created by the Master perfumer , Guy Robert , creator of scents for Dior and Hermès .
13 When all is said and done , we are left with the question , what use is research to practitioners ?
14 Darwin 's own account of the unrestrained ‘ law of battle ’ in animals readily fits in with the theory of natural selection ; therefore , as his account of the law of battle is now thought to be wrong , we are left with the problem of reconciling new observation and established theory .
15 And we are left with the problem of deciding whether or not the two Elizabeths baptised on 17 October were really the same girl .
16 We are left with the fun loving ( overgrown kids ) and the ‘ I am not going to miss out on the fun ’ brigade .
17 Perhaps we are left with the conclusion that the main ingredient in the campaign which resulted in the Foxton Inclined Plane was the enthusiastic advocacy of Gordon Thomas himself .
18 Having ruled out the alternatives we are left with the conclusion that the context-specificity seen in fig. 4.5(a) depends in some way on the context functioning as a retrieval cue .
19 Whilst mechanisms , sometimes of ‘ passing ’ , more often of ‘ coping ’ , are described , we are left with the impression that ‘ shameful difference ’ and its consequences are an immutable fact of social life , for physically impaired people : ‘ it is possible that there are no exemptions for incapacity in such areas as aesthetic norms ’ ( Haber and Smith , 1971 , p. 95 ) .
20 All too often though , the critical enthusiasm is immense , while the actual critical judgement disappoints , and we are left with the feeling that good but minor work is being overpraised for polemical reasons .
21 There is no mention of it being outside the camp , and instead we are left with the picture of the tent , filled with the glory of God , travelling with the people as they continue onwards ( 40.34–8 ) .
22 We are left with the importance of ‘ disposition ’ which encompasses the political factors involved .
23 And since , as Mr Lawrence says , there could hardly be anything personal in the attack , we 're left with the probability that anyone who had happened along at that moment would have been dealt with in the same way .
24 One is left with the reflection that Fred Dawes gained an excellent reputation with Crystal Palace even though we were , in all honesty , a poor quality outfit while he was here after the war .
25 In the case of Irish union the pre-existing parliaments are nowhere expressly abolished ; on the other hand , it is nowhere stated , or implied of necessity , in any of the union legislation , that one of the pre-existing parliaments was continued under a new style and , indeed , if this view were to be adopted , one is left with the question as to which of the two pre-existing parliaments it is which has survived .
26 Unless one wants to deny the involvement of cytokines in the course of gram-negative sepsis , one is left with the question : which cellular component of the L-form is responsible for the induction of cytokines ?
27 Just eleven players since 1905 have appeared in Palace colours more often than Vince but , in reviewing his career with us , one is left with the feeling that , while it promised to climb the highest peaks of success , it in fact merely reached the approaches .
28 But one is left with the feeling that throughout the exercise the importance of recovering the Government 's position has been at least as important as the evaluation of a national energy policy .
29 Kuijken ( ) , as ever , puts musical values first , and in this he reminds me very much of a firstgeneration ‘ authentic ’ recording made by the Collegium Aureum under Schmidt-Garden ( not yet available on CD ) , which similarly involved one textually in a way which few versions can match , even if one is left with the impression that many of the musical solutions may have registered almost as comfortably on modern instruments .
30 With Richter , one is left with the impression that there is not one single note ( whatever the rate at which it might emerge ) which is n't absolutely essential to the overall design , and there are pitifully few Liszt performances of which that can truthfully be said !
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