Example sentences of "[pron] be live [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ God forbid ! ’ said Dionne , ‘ just that I 'm living with a delinquent at the moment and it makes me feel mature .
2 Here you are , about to be launched in your own right as a successful couturière and I 'm living in a country thousands of miles away , helping to manage a thoroughbred farm . ’
3 I felt inadequate because I was living with a man . ’
4 It 's not simply a matter of defying conventions although I admit I have been strictly brought up and I think it would break my parents ’ hearts if ever they came to know I was living with a man who was not my husband .
5 ‘ I was forced to face the fact that I was living with a woman I actually disliked and I had no one to blame but myself .
6 I was living in a friend 's attic workshop and in need of something to take my mind off my troubles .
7 At the time I was living in a bedsit in Chelsea and was unemployed ; through a mixture of odd jobs and the DHSS I managed to keep myself in beer and cigarettes .
8 I was living in a council flat with two young children and I went to see the housing boss , which was him , to ask for a bigger place .
9 We well ye yes I can but er obviously er I , I , I sha n't be doing because erm I 've got too many er hopefully too ma d it 's much better , it would have been much better if I was living in a home , you see where , where we can
10 ‘ At this time , I was living in a sort of Walter Mitty world .
11 When you last saw me I was living in a room
12 Many years later , married and with small children , I was to live in a house with a garden which had a gate into Green Walk , the only place where I 've actually seen a nightingale .
13 You think ; you 're living in a home , you 've got everything and someone else has n't .
14 I do n't like to say that you 're living in a caravan with no proper job . ’
15 When he visited the Russian sculptor Archipenko and his wife , who were living in a villa in Nice , Modi grumbled of the women who bossed him around .
16 I heard you were living with a cabinet member 's daughter and fighting for Gay Rights in Fast Cheam ? ’
17 She 's lived in a hut in a clearing just beyond the trees for God knows how long . ’
18 There 's absolutely no point in saying to some sixty five year old or or seventy year old who 's living on a state pension in a council house , What you 've got to do is help yourself .
19 She wrote to Carrie and Nick and said she was living in a boarding house in a street near the docks , in a dark little room that smelt of kippers .
20 She was only half aware that Rachel was heavily subsidising her rent , because she was living in a part of London and a sort of house so different from her friends that she had no easy comparisons .
21 Even the fact that she suggested that they get married shows that she was living in a fantasy world .
22 She was living in a bed and breakfast place for thirty-five pounds a night , and paying each day — it was n't the kind of hotel where you settled the bill as you left .
23 Rachel Still , 23 — who was living with a boyfriend in Wilmslow , Cheshire — drove off with husband Phillip after meeting him for a talk .
24 For instance , we raised enough money for the materials to build a decent house for a single mother who was living in a hut made of cardboard and we all worked together on the construction .
25 One boy , a friend of Mark 's called Kenny , who was living in a hostel in Croydon , was housed on the 13th floor of a frequently vandalised tower block in Camberwell .
26 Yes , so he then called in a constable , who was living in a section house nearby .
27 We are living on a time bomb here . ’
28 We are living at a time when everyone is forced to adopt a political position : one day it will become clear that 6 February 1934 marked a dividing point in literature as well as in politics .
29 Er , today and every day , almost , a question of the police , at the moment , there is this business going on , er , in in London , at Stoke Newington , over the fact that , the charges against the police for corruption , being involved with all sorts of things that they should n't , er , and we are living through a time , where the police is having to fight a battle for it 's own respect .
30 Undoubtedly we are living through a period of considerable political instability , in which there is a complex ‘ crisis of legitimacy ’ ( to use Habermas ' expression ) not only in the capitalist societies but also in the former communist societies of Eastern Europe , and in many countries of the Third World ; but the crisis works itself out through an international system of relationships , and such events as the overthrow of President Allende 's government in Chile , or American and Soviet military intervention in various regions of the world in the postwar period , can not be fully comprehended unless they are seen in the setting of global political conflicts .
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