Example sentences of "[pron] be [v-ing] nothing [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I am doing nothing of the sort .
2 ‘ Then I 'm saying nothing of the kind . ’
3 I 'm saying nothing of the kind , ’ snapped Penry , leaping to his feet .
4 I 'm doing nothing of the sort .
5 I was doing nothing of the sort !
6 I was doing nothing of the kind , ’ she denied crossly , turning to face him .
7 She opened her mouth to suggest that perhaps she could give him dinner at her hotel — and thereby eliminate any possibility of him putting his arm around her in his car — then found that she was suggesting nothing of the sort , but was asking , ‘ Did Mr Gajdusek ask you to invite me out ? ’ and was at once appalled that , Ven all too clearly not far away in her head , she had asked such a thing !
8 We are doing nothing of the sort .
9 It was odd , but Greg noticed Bill Clough 's eyes following them sharply : he was saying nothing to the purpose so there was no reason why he should n't watch them , but Greg , following his lead , did wonder whether Hilary 's mutterings were not of a rather different kind from Desmond 's .
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