Example sentences of "[pron] be [verb] itself [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1983 gas , coal and nuclear power accounted for 16% , 9% and 1% respectively of energy demand and it is gas which is establishing itself as the most significant oil alternative .
2 I have a problem with my marine fish — in particular with a Regal Tang which is scratching itself against the tufa rock .
3 From the other side of the room , from the shadows of the wood-store where they had entered , something was dragging itself across the floor towards them …
4 Computervision Corp so wants to put its sad ownership by Prime Computer Inc behind it that it is remaking itself in the pure computer-aided design software image of the company Prime acquired as quickly as it can .
5 Now it is selling itself as the natural arena for developing companies in the new Länder .
6 Security officials feared that it was re-establishing itself in the region , possibly with the help of the small Catalan secessionist group Terra Lliure .
7 If I had been standing I could have put it in my personal manifesto that I was a sabbatarian but when the Party committed itself to that , it was placing itself in the position of a church . ’
8 It was sunning itself on the path .
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